I'm back its been a while
I hope everyone here on BCNA are coping in this heat . I just had my C4 today hooray now to get through the side effects.. I'm not getting the surgery early, the tumor finally decided to respond better after C3 . Its actually softer and smaller though it hasn't let go of the chest wall yet and still attached to the skin…
Underwire Free Bra's
Hi lovelies, Just thought I'd put this post up. All of my bra wearing life I have been an underwire fan. I love the styles, colours, shaping that can be achieved with the assistance of that lovely little piece of wire. BUT, ALAS my relationship with underwire has come to an end :'( So had been slowly checking out the wire…
When to Colour your hair
Hi, I had my last chemo on the 26th of October and finished radiation on the 23rd of December. My hair has started to grow back, is probably about an inch long and quite thick, enough so I don't need to wear a chemo beanie. My hair has grown back a mix of light and dark grey ( it was a reddish brown with some grey prior to…
Menopause hot flush solved.
Quite by accident I have found a way not to have hot flushes. Today I dragged out my old evaporative vest as it has been such hot weather. Not a hot flush out of me all day! I might sleep in the thing tonight too! lol http://www.icevests.com.au/index.php
Medical IDs
After being in hospital for my mastectomy, the nurses were forever trying to use the arm that I had lymph nodes removed. I kept telling them that they are not suppose to use that arm for anything blood pressure or blood testing etc). The only answer I ever got was "Oh that right - we shouldn't use that arm". So how many of…
I just wanted to share my thankfulness with you and offer a word of encouragement. Last week was my 2 years "remission" mark for which I am very thankful. In that time I've had numerous surgeries, including breast reconstruction, chemo and am now on aromatase inhibitors for at least 5 years. It's certainly a road with many…
Oh my Hat...or scarf, turban, beanie or bandanna!
I was diagnosed August last year with Stage 3 Her 2 bc. Was told I'd have the delights of 12 weeks of AC chemo, followed by 12 weeks of Paclitaxel and Herceptin. Then the hedge trimmer would come out, and snip snip..toodle doo to both my boobs. Oh...then another 9 months or Herceptin followed, by, you guessed it, Estrogen…
Clothing for hospital and after surgery
I am trying to keep busy in my waiting period till the surgeons reopen. There are sales on at the moment, and I wondered what sort of night attire and tops am I going to need when I go into hospital, and for after surgery, whether lumpectomy or mastectomy. I mostly wear T shirts during the day and singlet type tops at…
Another year of good news
Hi all well another year of all clear mammo and ultrasound. Thankyou thankyou l said. So thats the 5th year now phew.lt seems only like yesterday l always expect the worst but lm lucky each time unfortunately my blood cancer continues to govern me but my onco has finally found the right combo of drugs to keep me well.l…
Keep on keeping on!
I haven't checked in here for a long time, once upon a time it was daily! So I'm four years post diagnosis and loving life. I did chemo, rads and 12 months of herceptin, when treatment finished I packed up the family and went trevalling for 4 months, we had the best time together. Came home quit our jobs, moved and started…
How to help my toddler understand?
Hello, I was recently diagnosed, just before Christmas. I've had my first chemo and already ended up in hospital with an infection, which I'm pretty sure i picked up from my son. Which brings me to my main question; I would love to hear from mummies of young children. He is 1.5 years old and was devastated when he visited…
Cooler climate
I am considering moving from Queensland to Tasmania as I am struggling with the heat, in particular with the compression bra I have to wear for my breast lymphodema. Any thoughts/ comments would be welcome, particularly from anyone who may have made the move.
Hair today...gone tomorrow...
A certain Little Man doesn't care that his Granny has a Chrome Dome. Secret magic whispers.
Wigs etc
I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had my lumpectomy on 28 October. For the first 2 chemos I had the cold cap but gave it up as having chemo every week found it too stressful. On friday I go for my 6th chemo, halfway through and my hair is now starting to come out so today, with my daughter, went to get a wig and 2…
Feeling Arty - Trying something different.
Some of you might have read my recent post about my mum teaching me to paint while I was undergoing chemo last year and how at first I was very reluctant to even attempt it but how it became my favourite hobby. I call it my art therapy. Well, I have recently attempted changing things up a bit and tried a slightly different…