Cooler climate

Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
I am considering moving from Queensland to Tasmania as I am struggling with the heat, in particular with the compression bra I have to wear for my breast lymphodema.  

Any thoughts/ comments would be welcome, particularly from anyone who may have made the move.


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I can't comment as never moved there but do consider everything else not just the climate...which you probably have but thought it might be useful to discuss in general for all considering moving.
    - Will you have supportive family and friends when you move?
    - costs of housing, wages etc if this is relevant for you.
    - costs of travelling to visit family and friends
    -medical services and base hospitals in proximatey to where you live.
    -oncology services available.
    -Radiology / nuclear medicine available 
    -How do you like the cold (or heat )...heating / cooling  options and costs.
    -work options if relevant 
    -recreational options.

    Hope your move goes well. Kath x
  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    Thanks Kath :)  I have thought of all those things and I am still checking some of those things out as well...
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Hi I hear your frustration.
    Tasmania is a beautiful place. It can be very cold in the winter. Have you always lived in Qld?
    I'm from Vic and down south here we have distinct seasons. I'm not sure abt Qld in that your seasons appear to be wet or dry. Your winters are nothing like ours.
    It's about if you've experienced our seasons and if you can acclimatize. 
    As well as all those questions posed by Kath.
    If I could I'd live in Tassie tomorrow I would but hubby doesn't like the cold winters. Mind you they are not warm winters here.
    I'm sure there are Qld ladies on here that maybe able to give you tips on how to cope in the heat with the compression bra.
    Good luck with your research 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473

    I can understand your difficulty - I travel to Queensland a lot for family reasons and putting on a compression sleeve in the humidity (just outside Brisbane!) nearly drives me nuts. Tasmania is beautiful, and I have always found the people friendly but to add to your research list is employment. I don't know what your/your family's needs are but sadly Tasmania suffers from  high unemployment. Even people with excellent qualifications and experience find it difficult to find and keep a secure job. The latest figures show that the northwest is better, but if employment is a significant factor, you would be well advised to get some detailed and professional advice about expectations.

    A lot depends on where you currently live (remote or city or far north) and where you might choose to go in Tasmania. Winter is not just colder in Tasmania than Queensland, It affects things like driving, when roads may get icy particularly in the south.  And then there's your wardrobe!

    Good luck whatever you decide.

  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    Thanks iserbrown and Afraser for your advice.  I have visited Tasmania a few times in different seasons, approximately 1 week at a time, and find that I handle it alright and expect that I should adjust to the temperature alright, though I do worry about things like black ice.  

    My husband is from Tasmania and would love to move back, although things like arthritis are a worry to him.  We are from regional Queensland, not coastal, so we are used to temperature variations.  I found winter in Queensland quite comfortable post-surgery and never used to have trouble with the heat, but now I do, and I worry about the cost of using air-conditioning.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Well then woo hoo to a move to Tassie if that's what you end up doing.  We used to go to Agfest in May and stay in Longford. What a pretty town!
    Hopefully your need for a compression bra will lessen and you'll be comfortable regardless of where you are.
    Take care 
  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    Thanks iserbrown
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    I don't have advice but I've been thinking the same thing about NSW! How am I living like this :lol: I have to spend today in 38 degree heat with no air conditioning. *meeeeeltiiiiing*
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I live in Burrum Heads, a coastal resort in Queensland. We do not have the temperature variations we used to when living down near Ipswich. In winter it is wonderful with barely a frost and in summer, even in a heat wave the best it gets is 33C. There is humidity which others go on about but since I am very fair skinned I don't go out in the sun much. Getting to my point, the town is full in the caravan parks during winter as everyone from Victoria comes up here for 3 months to escape winter. Its really strange as on an unofficially appointed week, all the caravans disappear in the spring and go home and the place is deserted until school holidays kick in. Perhaps you need to find someone where you can house swap for a few months of the year? House sitters are in high demand.
  • Karenhappyquilter
    Karenhappyquilter Member Posts: 242
    I have lymphedema in my breast as well.  I have tried a compression bra but simply can't wear it, the band hurts and I even get breathless.  I don't know why. Going up a size doesn't help.  I am reduced to wearing sports singlets which are thick for modesty and give some slight compression.  It's going ok.

    Why not not try not wearing the bra? Because  maybe you can get by without it, especially in the summer months.  

    Also definitely get cooling installed.  You need it now.  

    Bets wishes Karen
  • Tassie66
    Tassie66 Member Posts: 14
    Thanks InkPetal, Brenda5 and Karenhappyquilter for your thoughts.  It is nice when you know that other people have shared /unnderstood your situation (and kept a sense of humour!).  

    Brenda, your observations re Burrum Heads is very interesting as it is the heatwaves in particular that I find hard, but we have a number of pets, so long periods of house sitting are out unfortunately., though it may be possible to "test the waters" for a shorter period.

    Karen, I did go without a bra in the summer months last.year, but the radiation therapy did increase the lymphodema such that I feel I need the.bra, but I did forget about sports singlets for some slight compression, which I remember now was an option mentioned during my radiation therapy treatment if the skin got too sore - I will pick one up tomorrow to give it a try
  • Christina 55
    Christina 55 Member Posts: 56

    Hi Tassie66.   My husband and I moved to Tassie from Northern NSW 5 years ago.  Bought a home for holidays and liked it so much we decided to move here permanently. I can tell you about the north of Tassie, but south is cooler and more expensive.  @primeKsaid to weigh everything up:   Tassie's weather fluctuate each year.  last summer was cold.  This summer is warm/hot.  Cold during last winter.  depends on where you live.  I live on the east coast - warmer than Launceston. Hobart is much colder in winter........   Launceston General Hosp. has the Holman Clinic which has oncologists, radiologists, Specialists, chemotherapy, breast care nurses - all in the one spot.   If you live in a city area you are OK for medicals.  If you live on the east coast you have to travel. ..   Many houses are for sale, and a lot of queenslanders are buying up the house either for themselves to move here or to rent out.  Most older homes have fire places and you have to buy wood.  or you have elec heaters. .. If you are retired - its a great place to live.  You do pay more for petrol, food, elec, (although its the service charge that is expensive - not the electricity itself.)  If you are looking for a job - that can be a problem.  As most Tasmanians go to the mainland to work. and then come home later in life.  

    How long has it been since your husband lived in Tassie and where?   OlderTasmanians (grey nomads) travel to the mainland for winter.  No arthritis problems for them.  LOL...      Currently the Launceston hospital is very helpful.  I go into hospital next Wednesday for bi-lateral mastectomy and my husband was put into hospital last Monday.   Problem is we have no family in Tassie to help us when we come out.   The hospital knows our situation and are working things if hubby comes out before I go into hospital....  


    Hope this helps . Christina

  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Hi Tassie66, I grew up in south western NSW (Wagga) and remember the summer heatwaves that would last for weeks and almost kill us before the next one started.  Likewise the winter freezing snaps!   I think all our mainland states suffer from similar once you get away from the coast.  A lot of our coastal towns are a bit more temperate without the extremes of our lovely western areas.  We get the odd hot and humid week but Gold Coast summers sit around 28 and winter days at 20.  There would be many places similar with the benefit of a nice breeze.
    I'm currently on holidays in the UK and have had more aches and pains in the past 4 weeks than usual. I'm doing a lot of walking but really believe it's from the constant cold. 
    I think the trick is not exposing ourselves to too many extremes!  Wishing you all the best with your decisions
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Sorry, lost the end of my post.  
    and I hope whatever you decide gives you peace and comfort.  Jane xx

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I bought a body shaper singlet which did help mine. Just an idea.