Angry or not??
What do you do if you feel really angry with someone but at the same time, in the back of your head, you heard... stop it you are just being a bitch???
Completely Rubbish.
As I sit here literally sobbing into my gluten free pasta with butter I wonder how it all came to this. It's like all my efforts to keep going for the last ten years were a complete waste of time. Trying to keep fit, keep on top of my job, rebuild my house, raise a decent human being--it all comes down to gut aches and…
Lymphedema garments in the heat grrrr
Spent a good 10 mins in the Cairns heat putting my garment on today, only to realise at the last minute that it was inside out grrrIt is a soft seamless one so didn't realise until the very end that the silicon grips at the top was on the outside.. Paula :)
Woke up crying
i have been crying non stop I woke up at 1 this morning crying my cat of 16 years died in my arms the day before my foot surgery and I miss him so much my male flat mate who is just a friend has been distancing himself .. I know he's not a boyfriend but I'm still immobile on crutches and offering to make me a tea or coffee…
Health Insurance
Hi to all the inspirational ladies out there. Its been a little while since I have been on the forum, life has been pretty full on with work, home life, holidays, kids new school and after school stuff, all getting in the way. To those of you recently diagnosed, trust me, life does return to normal !! I am in the process…
27/2. Kayvie's Birthday Today!!
Sending a huge Happy Birthday Wish to Kayvie. Hoping your day is filled with love, laughter, happiness, fun and appreciation of you!! And the ever important Cake. Xx Cath
31 Years!!
Hey my lovely support Chickeys :) Today, I have been married to MY ROCK for 31 years. Cate
check up
Today I went for my yearly check up. With a big sigh of relief all good for another year. My problem is during treatment my husband was so supportive and in tune to my visits. Well now it is 3 years on he hasn't even asked me how I went today. I might love him but I can still call him a JERK. I struggle with the whole…
So delicious
Drum roll....Today I managed to have lunch, and enjoy it. I've finally, just before my last chemo, identified the tiny window of opperchancity where I can eat, and taste, a normal meal. It all turns to rubbish again next week but I am soooo looking forward to this time next month when the poisoning is over and I can get…
5 years on
While an appointment with my oncologist wasn't high on my wishlist for Valentine's Day, I did receive the awesome news that 5 years on all is looking good and I don't need the pleasure of her company again for 12 months - woo hoo!
Just want to encourage the newbies
Yesterday I did my 6+ hour round trip to Westmead for my yearly review (Year 4) and I got told again NED (no Evidence of Disease) so back for a review in 12mths then I am off the Review list. you might think you wont get there i didnt think I would be here 4 years down the track but I am .... So wanted to encourage you…
fundraising fun
Well I am again committed to the Penrith relay for life. having been involved prior to my diagnosis of Breast cancer I thought about switching. But after all, ALL CANCERS SUCK BIG TIME. In my family I have lost a husband to Liver cancer and I have a brother that has survived (2 years now) Rectal cancer and a cousin to…
Compression sleeves
OK ladies want some feedback if I can I have a TSL full sleeve with shoulder bit and strap to under the other arm.... we are very hot here with this weather and I am wondering has anyone showered with it on and left it on ? I had hell this morning trying to get it on as we didn't cool down last night here in Bathurst and…
Hi Ladies I hope you are well today. Today is my last day of leave,I have had 2 months of work. I had all these plans to do so many things, but basically I have caught up with friends, read some books and generally done not much. My son got married in January and this was a joy. I'm not looking forward to going back to…