Clothing for hospital and after surgery

Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
edited January 2017 in Day to day
I am trying to keep busy in my waiting period till the surgeons reopen.
There are sales on at the moment, and I wondered what sort of night attire and tops am I going to need when I go into hospital, and for after surgery, whether lumpectomy or mastectomy.
I mostly wear T shirts during the day and singlet type tops at night, I am guessing they might not be the best to get into and out of?
Can others advise what they found the best for immediately after surgery, please.


  • RNSW
    RNSW Member Posts: 121
    Hi there,
    Something soft and comfy is good. After my lumpectomy I woke up with bandages and a soft bra they put over the top. I was a little uncomfortable for a few days but I was surprised how quickly I recovered.
    I wish you the very best with your surgery xo
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Put in the search engine of this site What to pack for hospital. There is a thread with a PDF doc 
    It is also on the Reclaim your curves website
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Thank you, I will do that.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I just wore big Tshirts and bike shorts once mobile. Very easy to get on and off without lifting arm too high. I stayed in hospital gown for first 24 hours then went to big Tshirt nighties.
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Hi there, after my mastectomy I found button up PJ tops great in hospital.  Big loose T's were fine once I got home but I seemed to be having to show my chest 6 times a day for 4 days in hospital and the buttons made it easier! K-Mart had some love soft short PJs.  Good luck with your shopping, it does feel better to make some
    preparations.  Let us know how you go. Jane x

  • Vivianna
    Vivianna Member Posts: 23
    Hi Unicornkisses, I am about to have a mastectomy and full recon in a weeks time and found these great "post surgery bras" that don't have any wire or support-kind of like a soft stretchy version of a sports bra? and this great maternity shirt that has a part down the front so you can just expose one breast without having to take everything on and off (and don't require you to lift your arm). Got these from Target. Hope this helps :wink:
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    I found a zip front set of PJs (we will ignore the fact they had a hood with small pink ears!) which were very practical for endless examinations. And I also liked bright and cheerful. A dressing gown with good size pockets is good for walking with drains (I tended to trip over mine otherwise). Best wishes.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I went to the op shop and got myself a couple of button down the front comfortable blouses. They came in handy for further dr visits as first thing they want to do is inspect how its healing and you just unbutton and show without having to take it all off. I only got one side done so the top hid my modesty on the other side.
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    Excellent info, thanks I have replaced my intended light wrap with one with big pockets. Would have loved the Pjs with pink ears, I like kooky things. Very staid looking PJs in the shops at the moment, not much button up either, but will branch out into other stores. Tomorrow I can ring the surgeon, I am almost sick with anticipation, but at least I can get things rolling, it has been a very long 16 days wait since biopsy results.
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Unicornkisses, I was in hospital for 6 days with my mastectomy (immediate recon with implant) and I didn't get out of the hospital gowns. Had gone and bought button up pj's etc and didn't bother as it was easier to stay in the gowns. I was in hospital during winter and did have a very lush dressing gown that I swanned around in and had my sequinned black slippers -  cause you've got to have a bit of glam as well!! ;) After I got out from hospital I wore jeans and jumpers - normal everyday stuff that I always wore. Just don't wear constricting clothes that you have to wriggle in and out of or that you have to lift your arms over your head to get into - anything else will be perfect.  XX
  • Mima
    Mima Member Posts: 38
    The above link to "reclaim your curves" had some good advice. I wore hospital gowns which were good for leakage that occured, even though minor. The best advice was a terry towelling gown which took up half my suitcase but came in handy when one nurse refused to help dry areas on my back I couldn't reach-so i  made her get it out of my bag instead. Most nurses were good but a couple not so. I have been nursing for 38 years and know how important the little things are to make patients feel comfortable.

    Only other problem was getting onto laxatives early and regularly but wasn't shy asking anaesthetic registrar to fix the order, and even asking for enema before i went home- the junior doctor said she had never had that request before but it made such a difference.

    Also read somewhere to make sure microwave was low enough to use safely so reorganised my kitchen before hospitalisation and it has been great for independence since going home.

    Was lucky to have nieces who waited until i came back to ward with my iPad, iPod and mobile safe for me as used them all in hospital. My sister suggested downloading some shows on iPad to watch and used iPod for music with headphones. Mobile kept me in touch with family and friends.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Oh great advise on the laxatives as I got terribly constipated from not eating for 4 days. It was really hard work by day 9.