My Partner never stops

dondon73 Member Posts: 6
Hi there everyone,

i feel so so sorry for my partner, he never stops, looks after my 2 & 3 year old in the mornings and then drops them off to day care, travels over an hour to work, then does 10 hours at work! He then comes home and tries to look after both kids and clean the house and also look after me!! 

I am trying to find out if there is any cleaning services which maybe available in North Brisbane area?


  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    What a treasure he is.  You might telephone your Council to see if you qualify for free cleaning help.  I remember one of the women on here got help for several hours each week. It's worth a try.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    What a trooper!  When my Mum was ill home help was arranged through the Council and although she is no longer with us Dad has kept it up for himself.  They come once a fortnight, vacuum, mop floors and clean the bathroom including shower and toilet and it costs him $7.50.  Not having faced this before you're not always sure where to look - as Michelle said Council is your best option and they will direct you accordingly.
    Good luck with your treatment and take care 
  • dondon73
    dondon73 Member Posts: 6
    Thank you 
  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336
    So blessed.  I have an angel of a husband too.  I appreciated him so much through my treatment.  Cancer doesn't just happen to us, it happesn to them too!  I get sad sometimes looking back at the past 18 months and I can see the impact it has had on him physically and emotionally.  He looks older and worn down, battle weiry at the best of times.  He has also recently been made redundant which does not help at all.  I wish I had money to spoil him and book him into a spa for a day or something to help relieve the tension and worry.  He has been my rock, never complained, never asked anything for himself, he comforted me, dried my many tears gently with his hankerchief many many times, always greets me with a smile and big hug when I get home, always ready to take anything off my hands at the smallest idication that I feel unwell or have a stressful day.  He had a massive health scare this week, had to undergo an MRI scan after a hearing test detected an issue which suggested he needed to rule out a brain tumor!  We were both sick with worry all week and just heard this morning it is ok, no tumor,  but it was like a kick in the guts when they said he needed the scan, we both have severe 'scanxiety' since my battle last year and it never gets easier.  I hope you find the help you need hun.  Merry Christmas x
  • stemi
    stemi Member Posts: 34
    I got help from this wonderful organization:
    They are so helpful - just beautiful !

  • PaulaN
    PaulaN Member Posts: 237
    Hi dondon73, I got free cleaning from the Cancer Council. I'm pretty sure that it was for a certain number of hours but we spread it out & had the floors, bathroom & toilet & it ended up lasting a few months. Either get on to the social worker at your hospital or ring the Cancer Council direct, they are truly wonderful.
    Paula XXX
  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Dondon, have youalso heard about the Otis Foundation?? They provide retreats for those going through Breast cancer (both survivors and their families). They have many properties that are donated for use at no cost andnit can provide a break either during treatment or after it. Could be a wonderful getaway for your whole family. Xx Cath
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @dondon73  Oh gorgeous!! you are super blessed!! and I guess you have to think if roles were reversed you too would do the same! Just remember how much he loves you and clearly would walk to the ends of the earth no matter how hard it is!

    Ive been through breast cancer twice in 5yrs unfortunately without that lovely support and its so hard especially with 2 teenage kids who I guess in a lot of ways had to make up for what an adult could do. I think it was a good thing in some ways for them however. Yes there were times when I thought Id love that support. Im blessed to now have a partner but its not the same when you live apart. Hugs xoxo Melinda