positive3negative Member Posts: 323
edited September 2016 in Day to day

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to stop by and let you all know that it's three years today since I was diagnosed. WOOOHOOOO!

I remember that knowing other women had survived was so important to me during the early days of treatment. 

I've recorded the whole experience on my blog at

I've just posted a piece about my three year anniversary and I've also put it on this site under my general blog. 

Best wishes to everyone here. Please know that behind the 'shock horror' headlines that surround triple negative breast cancer there are increasing numbers of us that are living well and living past the critical three year mark, when our risk drops substantially.

For those that don't already know, when we get to five years our risk returns to the same level as the general population (and that's about the only good thing about triple neg when compared to the other breast cancers but it's a pretty big positive!). 

Love and light to all of you. 



  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited July 2016

    Well done Meg, I reached the big five years a couple of months ago. Yabba Dabba Doooooo

    Paula x

  • NaturalBel
    NaturalBel Member Posts: 542
    edited July 2016

    Hi Meg.  I was diagnosed at the end of 2012 and had my treatment 2013, so I guess I start counting from end of treatment so I am 3 years later too.  I too appreciate being able to step back on line to BCNA as I am forever grateful for how much it meant to me to be able to connect with women and get the support I did not have at the time.  My such a long time later, but it sits behind me like a shadow that gradually is fading.  I have had many surprises emotionally along the way rather than medically, so for all of us it is always different.

    I wish you well as I pray for myself and hope like hell I remain clear, positive attitude and all that.  When life continues on regardless and we find ourselves slotting back in I wonder how others have coped with their return to work, as we all have different jobs.  How has their confidence been, how do they see their future and what are they doing.  So as this is the stage I am up to I wonder and am also grateful.

    Cheers from Bel

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Hi Meg,  isnt it great to get to an anniversary and be clear :smile:
     today was my 4 year review with Oncologist and he is happy woo hoo 

    Hi Bel, I remember us both bald and sick now we are in different situations and we have the ability to encourage the newbies to this journey. 

    Hugs to you both 