
primek Member Posts: 5,392
I was at the pool today...trying to get some strenght back...doing my lsps of walking and arm exercises and tiny biuts of swimming. I have done this since 3 weeks post mastectomy and partial  reconstruction and almost to end of chemo.(I used to swim pre cancer) So the regular  guards and staff at the pool have seen me with my fabric hat when bald and now with slight Hair regrowth. Today one of tbe lovely ladses asks ne if I am in remission. I just looked for a minute. I. I don't  know. The surgery hopefully removed tbe cancer. The chemo hopefully sought out and killed any strays and the onging Herceptin is hopefully preventing any future changes. will the aramotase inhibitors. But remission? At what stage do you really think you are...or think you are cancer free? 2 year...5 years....10 years? Do you ever feel you are?  In the end my answer was I hopefully am.
Funny thing to ask someone eh?


  • ChrissK
    ChrissK Member Posts: 180
    Kath great question.   When people ask me how I am or has the cancer gone I really don't know what to say.  Sometimes I say "I HAVE cancer" and other times " I HAD cancer".... it's funny isn't we do all that is expected of us re treatment and all and don't know whether in the clear or not!!!!
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    edited September 2016
    It's weird isn't it? In an appointment after surgery I was told I was "technically in remission" and hadn't even started on chemo. Because I don't know if anything is left and I'm still taking preventative measures the question "Do you have cancer?" gets an "I am fighting cancer" response rather than a yes or no. Not sure if I'll ever feel cancer-free even with an official All Clear, you know? Always that tiny note of recurrence fear in the mix.

  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    My cancer was HER2 positive and I asked my oncologist about this. She says for HER2 positive patients they don't like to say you are in remission until you have been clear of cancer for 5 yrs after your diagnosis.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Yea I think that seems right. Meanwhile we nailbite and just hope we are.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    It is interesting isnt it?? Well in 5 yrs Ive had it twice, but both times I said I HAD Breast Cancer, it was GONE when the tissue was removed...treatment thereafter. I never ever use the word 'Remission' LOL call me odd...and its a little play on words...but to me when you say remission you give it permission. So I have had that question a few times and honestly I just laugh after my horrendous journey haha!!! Nope...NO remission...all gone. :smile:

    Of course everyone has different ideas, depending on their situation and diagnosis, some people might have tumors whilst undergoing treatment. For me I guess, I have never looked at it as battling it either, as after surgery it is gone and so no trace and treatment is purely preventative thereafter. 

    :) Hugs Melinda
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Melinda. your outlook. I like to think of myself as cancer free...and will try to continue with this thought...otherwise every waking moment feels all doom and gloom. :)
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Kath, absolutely! I look at it as something that happened, I went through and eventhough I now have to face a mastectomy, its all about prevention...everyday I say the Cancer has gone :smile:
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    So true <3<3<3
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    I was told after my mastectomy, (didn't need chemo or radiotherapy) and am on tamoxifen that I AM CURED!!! and I'm going to run with that one. Was told as I'm PR+ and E+ that the tamoxifen will starve any remaining cancer cells - I did ask whether that meant they are starving to death? And was told no they will go into hibernation. So now I tend to look on their hibernation in a fairy tale kind of way where they can sleep for the next 400years and I won't be around to care :-). 
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I imagine remission is for those who have secondary and will require further treatment down the track. Mine was hopefully a one off and while the treatment was brutal I hope I am cured forever!
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Socoda...I would run with that too! Sounds good!!! Unfortunately Tamoxifen didnt work for me as had a recurrence after 4yrs on it uuuugh...unlucky they said! Chemo threw me into menopause so now on Arimidex and Oncologist said for me this would work better. Ummm he'd hope so haha!!! Honestly! we are all doing as recommended and we WILL get past it and put it behind us thankfully. Some have more of a journey with it, stubborn damn thing! Brenda yes I agree different if you have a secondary of course. So ladies I say its GONE never to return!!! Melinda
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Geez Melinda, I'd say it was a bit more than unlucky!! I like the way you say it's gone never to return! I think banishing ceremonies should be incorporated into our treatments, if for no other reason than mental health :) Xx Cath
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524

    Uuuugh yes my Surgeon said it was like 2% chance of recurrence and truthfully, its been the hardest journey yet especially mentally. So whilst I am Cancer Free all scans everything clear, they want me to have a Mastectomy to ensure its NEVER coming back. I know my Surgeon has massive success of ladies undergone mastectomy 20+ years on and FINE! So for me this is the end piece of the puzzle early next year as have to wait on Gene Testing results. Right now however still dealing with side effects that is making living very difficult. So time to rest and refocus how Im moving forward...Hugs

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    @melclarity I had bilateral mastectomy at the beginning and also am waiting on gene results to know what else I have to do. Fingers crossed I am done.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    Kath, thats right you are too!!! Sending good vibes for good results! So you can move forward!!! :) 