Another twist in the journey!! But a good one!!

Well, I have always said in this journey, you should only plan ahead as far as the next appointment or test. Yesterday was to be my last chemo day. Because I have had a stupid virus/cough for the last week, and I knew from the blood tests done at the hospital last Wednesday that I was a bit anaemic, but the white cell count was okay enough for me to be let home, I was still going in to chemo yesterday with an open mind that if Tuesday's blood tests weren't great, that I may have my last chemo put off a week to let me recover.
What I wasn't expecting was them to make the decision after discussing the fatigue issues, the pain in my legs and a few other things, that after consulting with the oncologist that they decided that enough was enough. So not only did I NOT have chemo yesterday, but that I was done with Chemo for good!
Not going to lie, I did burst into tears. Happy tears mainly. Of course my brain went straight to "well have I had enough chemo to kill this bastard?" Thankfully the lovely nurses reassured me that I have been given quite heavy doses, and I do remember the oncologist saying that he was giving me the greater of the required levels, and so by this stage, the cancer should be by all accounts done and gone. They also reassured me that cancelling the last chemo is a common thing. I think I remember them saying that I was the 4th in the last week that this has happened to.
So we popped into the radiation clinic and let them know because I was to start radiation 3 - 4 weeks after my last chemo. Well I'm now already at week 3 so they will review my scan this afternoon and call me with a new start date for radiation. The idea of the radiation is to target the localised area of the cancers and mop up anything left behind. My radiation oncologist discussed having a full body scan at the end of radiation, which was contrary to the chemo oncologist saying that it wasn't done routinely. Now more than ever, I think I will push to have that done, just so the little worry wort part of the brain doesn't go into anxiety overload. Time to also make an appointment with the lovely social worker too I think.
All in all I'm pretty much doing a happy dance. Because from now, I can concentrate on healing my gut, and healing my body. My energy levels will increase for a few weeks till the radiation hits that on the head again. But no more crappy steroids, I won't spend the next couple of weeks feeling like crap, my taste buds will return (down side is I will really need to concentrate on eating healthy as I have about another 7 kilos to lose for the boss/gp to be happy and me to be happy that my body is in better shape and health)
Stage one of kicking cancers butt down, done and dusted!!!!!!..... bring on stage two!!!!!
P.S. I have started a closed facebook chat group for ladies in the Wide Bay Area, but really, anyone in the southern Queensland area are welcome to join. I found it really hard to find a local facebook group (and I do like my facebook) so if anyone is interested in a positive group, feel free to send a request. or look up Wide Bay Breast Cancer Ladies Chat.
Great news, Donna!
Radiation is a walk in the park after chemo - just be sure to moisturise after every session and through the day if you remember (just not prior to your treatments - too greasy.)
I finished chemo early too - 12 instead of 18 weekly sessions as I became dizzy - and here I am 4 years later.
You are over all the big hurdles now - one small one left!
Will your full body scan be a PET or a CT? Haven't had one since diagnosis and would really like the peace of mind but my team won't do it without symptoms!
Where is Wide Bay? Is it near Brisbane? Cheers xx Michelle
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Thanks Michelle. Not sure what the full body scan will be, I'll ask my radiation oncologist as I don't believe I've had a pet scan. I had a full body and bone scan before I had my lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy, so I went into that knowing that the only other place the cancer went was into a gland just above my collar bone.
The nurses at the radiation clinic have told me I'll have Metapil (sp) film over the immediate areas the radiation targets and that stays on for the duration (getting replaced about every 10 days) and have recommended MooGoo cream for the rest of the surrounding areas.
Wide Bay Burnett, covers basically Gympie to Bundy and out to say Mundubbera, but if you dont have a group in your area that you'd just like to chat in, you're more than welcome to join
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Congratulations onbyour completion of chemo. Goodluck with radiation. Nearly done and dusted now. Kath x
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Thanks Kath xxx
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Another stage finished - good for you!
All the best with your Radiation stage. Apart from the side effects to the skin, compared to the side effects you've had with Chemo, Radiation therapy will be a breeze
As the others have mentioned, keep up the moisturiser & let the oncology nurses know if the itch or burn becomes challenging - they are there to support & guide you
Mel xx
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Donna I have heard that a lot of ladies don't finish the last chemo session. My sister in law had to finish after two sessions ( she was to have 4). Great that's all behind you. As the other ladies have said radiation is so much easier. I had the film put on and it was brilliant. good luck with it all.
I read in your post that you had a few gut problems, wondering exactly what sort of problems. I'm having them now and yet I finished chemo last April.
Rest up well before rads start.
Anne-Marie ??
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Congratulations on finally finishing chemo Donna!
Were at the same stage of treatment, I'm to start radiotherpy in a few weeks...
Chemo does strange things to your gut.....I finished end of May and still have issues and although my appettite came back with a vengance, it has settled right down now and i can say I don't really get hungry much anymore, I eat sometimes because I know I have to....I have found I can't tolerate foods I used to...i.e - bolognese sauce! I am looking to start taking a pro biotic to try and settle it....
Give yourself time to recover from and relax! Its now behind you!
I've heard that rads are a walk in the park and I'm hoping it will be for you too! (and me!)
Sending you love and light Donna
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Hi Anne-Marie, my main gut issues during this have been heartburn and nausea and I've been plagued by thrush in the mouth etc. I have talked about gut issues but that more relates to the damage the chemo drugs do to our gut flora so I have been and will be concentrating on "healing" my gut and bringing it back into balance. I've always been a firm believer that gut health is the most important part of our overall health. So using probiotics, and avoiding sugary carbs and looking at correct eating to help my body heal.
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Thanks Tracy, yes, my tastebuds are still out of wack, and sometimes i'm as hungry as a horse, but if i eat something i feel a bit ill, or half way through i'm left with an awful taste in my mouth. So like you, its sometimes a case of eating because I know I have to.
Im never a fan of strictly following any particular way of eating, I just try and eat healthy, but I was following a more paleo way of eating because I knew that it made me feel better (any weightloss was a benefit) I dont tolerate bread well and yoghurt and I just do NOT get along now thanks to chemo - my body just doesnt process dairy. So apart from a dash of milk in my cup of tea, I stick to almond/coconut milk.
With the warmer weather, I'm looking forward to going back to my smoothies from our veggie garden. Hell I'm just looking to warmer weather and not feeling cold to the bone any more!!!!