Still recovering.

Bluewren Member Posts: 91
edited September 2016 in Day to day
Hello all.
   still recovering from my recent surgery. Right mastectomy  nearly four weeks ago now.  The last few days I have been feeling like I am slowly getting there. Not so sore now. Amazing how the spirits lift when you feel so much better. Time stands still for awhile after surgery and sadness creeps in and out.  Seeing my surgeon soon for my follow up appointment. Will only be discussing future medication now instead of more surgery.  Prescribing tamoxifen for me as my cancer was hormone positive. Hoping for few side effects so I can cope with my recovery from this nightmare a little better. One step at a time again. Time to think about what I want to do in six months time. At least spring has sprung so the outlook on life is brighter with nicer days of sunshine and time spent outside.


  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    Are you okay? It might just be me projecting but I'm getting such a lot of sadness from this post. :( Kind of just want to give you a big hug. *smoosh*
    Fortunately Tamoxifen's line-up of side effects are more like menopausal annoyances, I hope you're not in for any mean surprises. 
  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    One step at a time Bluewren :) yes the outdoors are lovely when the weather is nice. Sending some positive thoughts your way.
  • Bluewren
    Bluewren Member Posts: 91
    Thank-you inkpetal. Always happy to accept hugs. Yes I'm fine.reading back it does sound a bit sad but I didn't mean it to. Just feeling so much better in myself.not so many tears now.onwards and upwards. I breezed through menopause so hoping this will be similar. Hugs.x
  • Bluewren
    Bluewren Member Posts: 91
    Hi Ann Marie. Positive thoughts are lovely to accept. Today is even a better spring day.makes you feel good.
  • Melhay
    Melhay Member Posts: 157
    Hi Bluewren, glad to hear you feel like you're slowly getting there with your post surgery recovery. It's such a personal journey isn't it? & yes getting outside during this lovely Spring weather is definitely good for the soul too - thanks for the reminder to take advantage of it xxx
  • Bluewren
    Bluewren Member Posts: 91
    Hi Melhay,  it was a beautiful day today to be outside  enjoying the sun. Puts me in a good frame of mind. Very personal journey but nearly every time I read a post I can almost  feel the feelings that person is going through. we all have adifferent  journeys  just a little different in the circumstances. Hope you are going along okay. take care Xx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Bluewren, I think you sound more than fine in this moment actually...quite reflective and just in this moment. Not too far ahead and not behind...perfect. 
    I was on Tamoxifen for 4yrs until I had a recurrence last year, but I have to say honestly, I had NO side effects at all in that time that I noticed. Im on Arimidex now and find it much worse in terms of pain/stiffness. 
    Hugs, youre doing great one step at a time...keep going and enjoy Spring :)

    Melinda xo
  • Bluewren
    Bluewren Member Posts: 91
    Hi Melinda,
      Well I've popped that first tamoxifen tonight. hope I follow you with the no effects. seen my surgeon today for follow-up. Wasn't expecting to have a Seroma drained. Didn't think there was so much fluid there but feel better for it after. I spoke too soon about sunshine cause it rained the whole way to and fro from appointment. Oh well tomorrow's another day
  • Bluewren
    Bluewren Member Posts: 91
    Sorry didn't preview my draft. Take care Melinda .Sending hugsx
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Bluewren,
    Wonderful that you're at the follow up stage with your surgeon. I totally agree with the nicer days and time spent outside being uplifting. I planted a whole stack of flowers in pots and some Lily of the Valley and try and make time when I'm not at work to get out, have a coffee and gaze adoringly at my little patch of paradise. Never fails to make me calm, centered and wonderfully happy. All the best Xx Cath
  • Bluewren
    Bluewren Member Posts: 91
    edited September 2016
    Hi Cathy, that is so pretty. Gardens are our lovely  escape . I love pansies but put some in last year didn't last long because some little creatures ate them. Rabbits or wallabies. Enjoy your Patch of Paradise. Take care. Hugs.xx
  • Chanel
    Chanel Member Posts: 72
    Hi Blue Wren, I too had surgery 4 weeks ago today.  I had lumpectomy , am very blessed the cancer was very small and low grade. I'm seeing the radiotherapist at the end of September. 
    I also have been prescribed Tamoxifen , and it's good to read about other ladies experiences with it. Helps keep you calm about what's going on. I have noticed myself more forgetfull since the surgery, and hope that subsides. Oncologist said it was common to experience. I think it's the aftermath of what has happened. It's been a very tough year. Wishing you well, and keep enjoying your beautiful garden, hugs from me, Peta
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Bluewren, sorry your pansies didn't survive the munching wildlife!! Had the same thing happen with some primulas except mine were eaten by a bunch  of marauding cockatoo's that strutted around my front lawn with my flowers in their mouths. Was happy that they enjoyed them  :)
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    oh Ladies I laughed at the antics of the native creatures I can tell me my pansy's were the sweetmeat for my Blue tongue lizard that lived under our home while I was going through chemo.... I was sitting in the sunroom admiring the new blooms when I realised they were literally disappearing before my eyes on closer inspection here was Mr Blue tongue thoroughly enjoying them one by one.... the plant was lucky to have one bloom left on it for a day at a time before  he found them. 
    My tulips are pushing through the soil and I am eager to see what colours are there.  One day at a time ladies 
  • Bluewren
    Bluewren Member Posts: 91
    Nice to have some enlightenment in our troubles.makes me laugh too.i guess we have to share our garden with whoever else is on the prowl. Can always count on the birds and animals here to make me smile.. Another trip to have my scar area drained today. I seem to feel good around that area but as soon as I have it drained it takes a day or two to get it back to feeling okay again. Anyone else have this trouble or is it just me? Looking forward to picking out some new sexy bras soon or should I say comfortable bras. Oh the trials and tribulations of breast surgery. Getting there.