Pinkhope - another support group for those with BC ...
I've just found this group & it may suit some of our members .... breast and ovarian cancers Check it out ... https://www.pinkhope.org.au/be-supported/personal-support?gclid=CjwKCAjwv4SaBhBPEiwA9YzZvHlRRgzHkW802hpJ9Mx2_QZGn6jgrBNId4MTyF8yflya1mwGnzeDqhoCOfoQAvD_BwE They have upcoming events on the Gold Coast, Canberra,…
Discouraged & Dissappointed
Im sorry, I need to vent. I have no one to unload too. I had my single mastectomy Friday. Yesterday was OK, BUT they refused me my medically prescribed cannabis oil, which I called the hospital 10 days ago, pharmacist who said it was OK even though it is Schedule 8. I have a registered TGA card. Then yesterday when I asked…
Personal Injury Claim
Im &@#$@. I've had mismanagement of smx Still suffering. Had to discharge myself, due to safety. Been knocked back by 3 Lawyers. I'm gona fight this. Miscommunication, Breach of Duty of Care, Misconduct, incorrect medication, given meds with known side effects, denied my approved TGA CBD oil, discharged with cannula still…
Shoulder Discomfort
Hello to all, since having mastectomy my other shoulder, holding my one boob is hurting. Any suggestions welcomed.
Going home
I've had enough, I'm being discharged. Apparently my last post didn't make the grade. Big medication miscommunication, and I'm the one copping it. No more
Today's Thoughts
Today had my maectomy. I'm so glad this part is over. Didn't pack till 4am this morning. I'm glad. BuT, I have an unusual observation. When I was being prepped, my surgeon came in and held my hand. He held it for about 5 mins. I didn't know what to think, still don't. Has anyone else experienced this?
Freaking out
Im freaking out tonight. Can't get myself to pack my bags. I guess tomorrow will be ok
12 hours to go
Hello, I'm apprehensive, 12 hours to go. Gona wear my best bra tonight & have some bevies, yep, last night, OMG..
Simple checking in
Hi all. This is my first post here. Diagnosed with DCIS and invasive in early June, had left lumpectomy, re-excision then mastectomy. Now started 20 wks of chemo (8 wks AC then 12 wks Taxol). It has been a whirlwind and have been trying to stay positive but it is tiring to remain upbeat all the time. I’m having 2nd round…
Questions updated
Thank you Cath62, iserbrown, Julez1958, AllyJay, Afraser & anyone else who may have submitted a comment to my question. It took me 3 weeks to come to my decision, BUT, then I read your posts of encouragement only 3 hours before my surgeon app. It hit me hard about the hormone blockers, so I've bit the bullet. Will give it…
Hello, please tell me what the survival rate is for single mastectomy without hormone blockers.? I have 2 days to decide.
Letrozole for the next 10years..
How do you all manage to remember to take the little pink pill EVERY DAY? 😅
Im sorry in advance, I'm really struggling tonight. My question might he disturbing so I warn anyone if I come on too much. So my question is, if refusing all treatment and live for as happy and as fot how long, is that considered as selfish or worse still SI?? I'm sorry it's so heavy, but I feel heavy with this option
Aesthetic flat closure surgeons melbourne
Hi all, just wanting to see if anyone has has aesthetic flat closure and can recommend any surgeons in Melbourne. I currently have implants after mastectomy and wishing to go flat. Thank you
Anyone “sacked” their oncologist?
Hi there, I just heard a wonderful ABC radio podcast by Tim Baker, who has stage four prostate cancer. He’s an author. While it might seem to have nothing to do with breast cancer, I found much of what he says resonated so strongly with me. Firstly, like some women with breast cancer, he was put on hormone therapy which…