I was expecting my surgeon to come in during prep and hold my hand and reassure me. He didn’t even show up. I was desperately asking the nurses to find him. Finally the anaesthetist showed up and told me my surgeon was getting coffee and breakfast and I wouldn’t see him til after the surgery. I wanted to run away. As I was being wheeled into theatre by this anaesthetist I’d never met before, he called my surgeon so I could face time with him. I was in a vulnerable position, looking backwards on my prep bed in my hospital robe while being wheeled into theatre, trying to get reassurance from my surgeon from a phone screen. I’m still traumatised to this day and hate surgery even more than before.
The next surgery I had after that was with my new and current surgeon. She met me while I was still in the waiting room and was with me the whole time before and after. She holds my hands or touches me in a reassuring way every time I see her, even for appointments. I can’t explain the difference. I feel so safe with her just by these gestures that seem so simple yet mean the world to me because she makes me feel so cared for. I love this about her.
I’d say you have also have a very caring team who seem to understand how their patients feel and offer the reassurance they need.
I’m glad your surgery went well and I’m hoping you get good results 🍀♥️.