3 years agoMember
Simple checking in
Hi all. This is my first post here. Diagnosed with DCIS and invasive in early June, had left lumpectomy, re-excision then mastectomy. Now started 20 wks of chemo (8 wks AC then 12 wks Taxol). It has been a whirlwind and have been trying to stay positive but it is tiring to remain upbeat all the time. I’m having 2nd round of chemo next week and worried that is when I will start to really feel the effects.
My family have been great, but hit and miss with some friends. Some friends I considered close haven’t really made much of an effort to reach out to see how I’m doing from time to time. When they needed help whether when they were pregnant, sick or struggling etc I was always there for them with offers of help or just a simple “How are you doing?” Just a simple checkin from time to time goes a long way to show that someone cares. It is as if asking how you are once is enough and then that’s it for some people. Then there are are other people who you don’t know very well a constantly asking after you and offering to help out. That makes a difference.
I guess I am feeling quite sad and also angry that so-called friends have been absent. Or am I being too sensitive? But i think if you truly care for someone you can make time for a simple check-in every now and then.
Have any of you experienced this with friends not being there when you need them?
Sorry for my long post. I just feel a bit low today.
Sorry for my long post. I just feel a bit low today.