Looking for this group on Lost Libidos: http://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/group/9-lost-libido-ladies
Can anyone help connect me to this group please, I can't seem to find it. Thanks
Chemo brain
Haven't posted for ages bit still have it. - tea towel is now a drying cloth - after 1-1/2 years. Have to laugh. Makes more sense though.
OMG1 Not again round 3 coming up!
Well as usual I am here again whinging. But at least I know you girls are always here when I need someone to listen to my scary thoughts. After finishing twelve months of treatment from June 2018 to last day 30/7/2019 of chemo, rads, & Trastuzumab I thought it was all behind me. I have been free for 7 months. YAY! I had…
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
I am wondering if anyone out there has this particular type, I would love to get a bit more hands on information is possible.Thanks Maddi
Two-year scan clear
Yay! In spite of my concerns, the ultrasound showed no cancer. The mystery of my odd and discoloured skin patch remains, but at least it's not cancer. Starting to breathe again.
I feel like Im in a catch 22 situation...
This discussion was created from comments split from: Post Treatment Letdown.
what now
what a year last year was , breast cancer in May , a month or so later diagnosed rheumatoid /osteoarthritis , shingles for xmas and now bad fatty liver , go see a dietician the doctor says so im on the list , in the mean time i'm trying to figure out what i can eat and what i cant , i was told soya milk is bad for those…
The Secret Suckiness Of Life After Breast Cancer
How to curb the fear
Hi everyone, it has been quite sometime since I have been on the network. We have had other dramas in our life and my focus has tended to be on that. A couple of weeks ago my psychologist commented on how sever my anxiety and depression is. I have struggled so much emotionally since finishing my cancer treatment back in…
Does the mental pain for having had breast cancer ever leave. I know I am not coping with having had cancer, having 2 mastectomies, having had chemo, living with the nephropathy pain, having a very uncomfortable expander in while waiting for the next surgery, having to work full time through all my treatment, being bullied…
Another step in the right direction!
Yay!! My final.visit to breast surgeon today. After 5 and a half years on hormone therapy, given only a small met to one node and osteoporosis in spine, she says she is happy for me to stop taking tablets! Now to see if some aches and pains go away. One more visit t o oncologist in September and fingers crossed, thats it!…
Kiddy corner
I went for my three year oncology check up today and got bumped to a woman who introduced herself as 'one of the oncologists' who was seeing me because my regular was running late. Now, I don't mind seeing registrars who are not fully qualified. I get it. But this one didn't bother to explain her position. It took me all…
Sex after breast cancer, UK article
Financial Mess
If there wasn’t enough stress while waiting for final decision on whether its mets or arthritis. It seems that I'm always chasing my tail or robbing Peter to pay Paul which sucks I knew the financial burden of having cancer sucked big time from experience when hubby was diagnosed but it was never this hard i thought I’d be…
What Happens When You come off Herceptin ?
Hi I am 52 and have just finished my year of treatment. I had 6 rounds of chemo, lumpectomy,sentinel node removal, radiotherapy and 18 Herceptin infusions. My periods stopped at start of treatment and I've had no hot flushes etc. Now I have stopped hormone treatments will things change? Will I get menopause symptoms? Will…