I feel like Im in a catch 22 situation...

This discussion was created from comments split from: Post Treatment Letdown.


  • deanneze
    deanneze Member Posts: 4


    This is my second post and a long time in between. It has been 2 years since my treatment ended.  I was fortunate with my diagnosis becasue it was caught early and only caught becasue I was due for my mammogram.  I dread to think what could have happened if I wasnt due for one as mine was an aggressive cancer.  I had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation.  I then went through the process of induced menopause then a full hysterectomy and now I contunue with the drugs (Anastrazole).  Whilst my treatment ended in 2017 the side affects post treatment are awful.  Ive have also gained weight and that in itself is hard to deal with because it presents new issues such as body image.  Its really hard to explain just what your are feeling emotionally, mentally and physically and howmuch pain you are actually in.  Everyone can see your physical struggle, sometimes the emotional but they cannot see your mental struggles.  My relationship has ended and one of the issues was I wasnt showing enough affection and intamacy ended.  I dont know about anyone else but going through the treatment, induced menopause, a full hysterectomy, and drugs alone, my whole self feels as though its just been smashed in every way.  I know we need to find the 'new normal' but thats alot easier said than done.  I have been trying to find some really useful informatin to provide to my ex just so she can read for herself that I am not making this up and that what I am feeling is real and its an everyday battle.    Here I am just over 2 years post treatment and I have nerve issues, joint pain, no libido and in terms of affection with my partner i feel as though its just not there.  Im not blaming it all on the treatment but this is one aspect that is not easily explained unless you are feeling it yourself. Is it normal to feel nothing?  The few times I have felt that closeness and want for intamacy its gone in a split second???

    I have been to counselling, Ive done meditation, im trying different drugs and supplements and I am just finding my way.  I never would expect my ex to understand or expect them to stay when I know myself these changes would be hard to deal with.  The relationship with your partner is very different to that of your friends and family becasue its more personal in intimate.  When you dont feel a certain way it does affect the relationship. 

    I fee like i am in a catch 22 situation becasue I need to take care of myself first but it is hard for others around you to understand this journey.  Even I question whether or not it will get better or if this is the new me and I am already in my new normal.   I dont want to sit and wait and I do push myself but its a daily struggle.  I know I am not alone in this.  It would be really comforting to hear similar stories because we all have them so I am immersing myself back into this arena.


  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I can certainly relate to what you are saying. I constantly rail against how this has affected me with constant joint pain, no libido, memory problems and so tired all of the time
      People don't really understand nor could they unless they're in it.  Funnily enough, I find myself often remembering who I was at 18 or 20 and feeling closer to that young woman - she seemed to have her head screwed on.
  • CRM
    CRM Member Posts: 94
    I can relate to the relationship problems for sure. I have a partner who is so supportive and understanding and I feel like I am just ruining it with my emotional outbursts. I worry that he will only put up with it for so long. It's really hard.
  • deanneze
    deanneze Member Posts: 4
    Thank you ladies.  Its hard for both parties but whats even harder is trying to explain the lack of feelings and emotions.  It feels like a train wreck and I do know my partner tried to understand but its alot to take on for them as well.  I didn't have the best memory pre treatment and now well this is another add on to my list.  It is frustrating to say the least.  Ive been told that I am not present or that I am heartless which is hurtful but I do know these things are said as part of an emotional reaction, frustration, anger and so on.  Its not like I intentionally set out to be like this but it has affected me and others and it really is about trying to cope with what you have and not letting it or any comments get to you.  I understand myself better than anyone and I am about self preservation and all I can do is keep trying in the hope that things will get better, symptoms may or may not ease but I am doing what I can to manage it.  Of course its not going to be in everyones best interest but I need to be ok.
  • CRM
    CRM Member Posts: 94
    I think everyone reacts to a cancer diagnosis in the way they need to in order to cope.  Your body and your mind have experienced trauma and then there is the ongoing side effects from chemo and any medication you are taking.  You are doing the best you can so try not to be too hard on yourself.  I'm not a psychologist in any way but if there is a chance for you and your ex to patch things up then maybe going to counselling together would help you both understand how the other is feeling.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    Dear @deanneze
    You mentioned you have seen a counsellor - did that provide any tools or strategies to assist you? For some people, the treatment is the hardest part, not so much the diagnosis. After the initial diagnosis shock, most of us see treatment at first as a necessary hurdle to getting rid of cancer. With a view to being ‘back to normal’. As none of us can excise the period of diagnosis and treatment from our consciousness, ‘normal’ is automatically dated. If treatment brings unexpected and very unwelcome side effects, you are in the invidious position of unable to go back and not keen about where you have landed! Many have found a good counsellor (particularly one who can see past cancer) to be very helpful. You do need to take care of yourself first as everything else worth having  (including relationships) starts from knowing and liking yourself. It’s so hard, on top of everything else you have gone through, it but life after cancer can be good and can be worthwhile. Best wishes. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,799
    Hi @deanneze
    There's a lot that you are dealing with at present. 
    Sad to read your relationship has ended.  As you reflect on where you have been and where you are at the moment the most important is you!
    Strategies for coping and improving are valuable tools.  Concentrate on you so as you gain that inner strength you can assess if that relationship is worth rekindling or you are ready for dating.
    Perhaps consider joining the private group


    Take care and best wishes
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I didn't have the abrupt menopause you have had since treatment but I certainly know that for around 2 years of natural menopause I just didn't feel like myself.

    I am now too on anastrozole and my reduced libido hasn't got better on it that's for sure. What I do find is if I have a go...interest does come. I just don't have the drive that occurs with natural cycles.

    My weight gain impacted on several things. It impacted on my body image. It impacted on my sleep and it contributed to my memory.....well not the weight but my diet did. I recently have tried Michael Moseleys Fast800 and the Mediterranean style of eating and reduction of carbohydrates has switched my brain back on, stopped my joints hurting (only needing occasional panadol now). I know I sound like an ad...but I strongly advise reading the book and if you are keen they have an additional recipe book and an online program. I believe there is a free audible book you can get to have an idea if it's for you. The Facebook site has a lot of info too and some free recipes.

    2017 isn't that long ago for such a lot of change. It will improve but it does take time. I'm 4 years since 1st surgery and only now do I feel a little like the old me. 

    I did find this about sexuality after breast cancer which might be useful  to you. 


    Take care. Post often. We get it. X