Sex after breast cancer, UK article


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Thanks, Kate 

    This is a very valid discussion that everyone should be aware of, during their treatment & more importantly, after treatment has finished.

    There is a 'closed group' called "Let's talk about vaginas" where you can discuss stuff in private .... cos it may well affect your relationship with your husband further down the track.  Get onto it earlier than later!  xx

  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,549
    Yes indeed.  Nobody ever mentions it at the beginning.  A little one line "you may experience some loss of libido" and that's it. 
    As far as the men with prostate cancer goes, there is a 20 page pamphlet on "dealing with sexual problems during prostate cancer" that they get  at the first appointment.  I know  as the document spits out on my printer at work regularly so I read it once.  
    Don't know about everyone else, but I never got a shiny pink document helping to deal with this subject.

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @kezmusc To this day it has not been raised with me once by any of the many medical professionals I've seen in the last two years. I've concluded the day it is I will see pigs flying if I look out the window.
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,549
    That makes two of us then @kmakm.  The only person I had a quick chat with was my radonc and I brought up the subject.  I just got the usual knowing head nod....end of conversation.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @kezmusc I've raised it twice, excruciatingly awful to do, and had one knowing nod and one ignore. Neither professional chose to pick up the conversational baton I'd bloody bravely thrown down. It's one of a few yawning chasms in BC treatment.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    I am positive it was never ever raised with me, but I'd already been thru menopause & had had massive issues back then with atrophied vagina.  I even tried hormone (replacement) cream that lead to my first 'call back' from my Mammogram in my early 50s (15 years ago.)  I stopped the cream immediately & my more thorough hospital checkup a month or more after my mammogram indicated that it was the testosterone component in the cream that had changed the breast tissue that showed up as suspect in the mammogram. 

    Sadly, the atrophied vagina problem never went away.    :( 

    Well done on 'trying' @kmakm - once again, yet another side effect totally ignored - whilst the guys get reams of literature on the subject & the use of a little blue pill!  They really DO need to work on something for women too!