Advise please - tidy up of dog ears etc
Well out of the blue I received a phone call tonight 6:30 that " would I like to come in on Monday 7.00am to Peter Mac to have a 'tidy up' ie dog ears, lipo on reconstructed boob and a nipple". Now this has been in the back of my mind, and I had 2019 behind me as I was constantly worried about further cancer. So 2020 was a…
Isn't it weird what makes you feel better?
I had my oncologist checkup today. Some of you may know that I quite like my onc - he's always been supportive and honest with me and never disparaging. At the checkup today he was, as usual, asking me questions about how I'm faring with the Letrozole and he was pleased that some things have improved, less pleased that…
BRCA1 / Category 3 / Waiting list...is this normal?
Hello All, I'm hoping for some advice and feedback. After being diagnosed with HER2 positive BC, I was treated at St.Vincent's public (Melbourne). I was sent to Peter Mac, genetic clinic where I was found to carry BRCA1. I was told to finish my treatment (radiation) and then to return to Peter Mac to deal with the results.…
The friends you make
I hung out with this crazy chick in November. You've gotta love the willingness with which you flash your tits when @Zoffiel asks you to show her your new 'nipples'!
Anxiety and Lexapro
It is four years on since I was diagnosed, had a mastectomy, chemo and year of Herceptin. I am still on Lexapro but have tried to stop. Started weaning of them in August last year, and was doing a mix of 10mg, 5mg n none and was doing ok, til Xmas hit . I had my kids, 4 gorgeous granddaughters n supportive husband here so…
3 weeks after radiation
I completed radiation therapy 3 weeks ago and had staph infection in the burns. I am on antibiotics but feeling unwell and hit temp of 38.2. Being a Sunday do I ride it out or go to emergency.
Counselling support & depression on Tamoxifen
Hi! I have been cancer free for 3 years and have noticed recently that I’m getting bouts of really bad depression and think it is before I have my period. Is anyone else dealing with this whilst on Tamoxifen?? Also, whilst going through treatment, I just went through the motions until I got through it all, worked…
Year 4 done and dusted woot woot !!!
Soooooooooooo...Halloween was my 4th year anniversary NED!!!!! (A bit of a late post I know) One more year and I get to be on the official stats :wink: Finally, after seeing my BS the other week I get to have a whole 12months off before the next lot of scans! Which I am quite happy about given the last 18 months. I am…
I've Had A Week
In the last seven days: - I had a Covid19 test - negative - I finally got the guts up to raise body image and sex with a doctor during a telehealth consult with a doctor at a menopause after cancer clinic. Not a single doctor has ever raised this subect with me. - I had a check up with my breast surgeon. Back again in six…
Stoic? Why? Venting
I'll say straight up that this is a vent. I don't think it would go down well in other places and might not here, either. I'm sick of hearing how strong and stoic those with cancer are, or are expected to be. If someone has cancer and is suffering pain, etc from it or from treatment, and not complaining, they are held up…
Hi I'm 58 and 6 years post diagnosis and 4 yeas post treatment for HER2+ BC. Had chemo and radio plus Herceptin. Had two bone density tests during treatment half way and at end. There were some signs of bone loss but at no point was I told to keep having these tests. Fast forward to a fall and fractured wrist and a bone…
Granny's saga ..chapter 2.
Some of the members might remember this story, but I'll repeat it for newer members, along with an update. Shortly after my bilateral mastectomy in 2017, my then 2 year old grandson was riding on the seat of my walker, when I treated him to an ice cream. Short backstory...due to his blended family he has three female…
Bump in the road with skin cancer post BC treatment
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed BC 30th April, surgery 13th May, chemo 4th June and Radium through October. I finished radium on 28th October and have just started tamoxifen. I was just starting to feel good and I was recovering really well. On Thursday 26th November I went to my dermatologist and have now been diagnosed with…
Is this app recommended? 'Outcomes4me' Apparently a Breast Cancer Life Planner
Has anyone looked at this or using it? It came up on Facebook.
Scan Day
It's my 3 year scan this morning (at least I think it is - memory's shot) and I thought I was okay until last night when I barely slept at all. This afternoon I have an interview for the job I've been doing for the past year and with the panel, it's going to be a tough one. To top it off, youngest daughter rings me from…