I've Had A Week

kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
In the last seven days:

- I had a Covid19 test - negative

- I finally got the guts up to raise body image and sex with a doctor during a telehealth consult with a doctor at a menopause after cancer clinic. Not a single doctor has ever raised this subect with me.

- I had a check up with my breast surgeon. Back again in six months instead of 12 because the right foob is lumpy.

- My son came to me in a panic about finding a lump on his testicles, I took him to the doctor, and then back again for the ultrasound results. A cyst, thankfully not a tumour. When I was telling him to calm down he said "I know Mum but it's US".

- My youngest got her first period.

And all this during Stage 4 Lockdown.

I am exhausted. I feel like I'm always on high alert. Stop the world, I want to get off...

K xox


  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,580
    I think a nice pampering might be due. Some much needed YOU time. I hope things settle for you 👌🏻 Xxx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800
    What a week! What a year!  What a couple or so years you've had.
    You must be proud of your son as he could've easily ignored it.

    Stage 4 lockdown certainly keeps you insular. 

    Pleased to read your COVID was negative. 

    Hope you are able to manage emotional well-being as I think we all have days where the pandemic news locally and beyond can be overwhelming before adding the everyday.

    Who'd thought a trip to the supermarket is now a highlight!

    Take care and stay safe 
    Sending a virtual hug
  • Leia
    Leia Member Posts: 39
    wow, just a regular week! Sounds like the whole family needs some chill out time, and you can’t get away! Hope you can do something relaxing and fun this weekend. Take care of yourself there.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    You can go to the supermarket??? Given only one person at a time can shop in Melbourne  and I don’t drive, that’s out too for the duration! No 2 grandson had his 2nd COVID test yesterday (three year olds get sniffles and coughs!) and is already identified at the GPs as the ‘kid who
    likes tests’ - giggled his way through again! Sorry, you’re exhausted @kmakm, much worse than just being a bit bored, under stimulated and over it all. But nevertheless VERY cautious about opening up too fast - I’ve had 2 stage 3 weeks in 5 months as one type of lockdown ran into another and don’t want any more! Grandson is clear of course! Can’t see him in the flesh of course, but Castlemaine has 0 active cases, so I’m thankful for small mercies - one time colleague died of the virus last week. 
  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
    kmakm, that is exhausting. I don’t know about you, but after going through all my cancer stuff alongside me my kids are on high alert always. My teenage girls with lumpy breasts, my son with tummy pains and me fretting over them. Just had my 15 yr old in having xrays on her back and her spine is totally curved with scoliosis ( huge deterioration in the last year) and off to see a specialist next week. She frets about every nagging pain and worries she has cancer. I feel so sad for them that they can’t just be kids without worrying all the time. 

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
    Golly Gosh - what a week @kmakm !  I hope your menopause clinic doctor was able to give you some useful information/tips.  Neither topic has been raised with me since I was diagnosed, either.

    Great that your test was negative.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Good to see the numbers are falling - I hope it continues.

    Did you have MG & US on the right foob this time as well? I hope it was all clear. Regular monitoring will give you peace of mind. Try not to worry too much about it. xx I've had lumpy foobs all my life .... 

    Great news your boy is OK.

    Sorry to hear your daughter has scoliosis, @ddon - my niece also - it was worse in her teens and seems to have settled down now.  She has married & has 4 kids!

    take care xx

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    It gets too hard.  Thoughts going out to you @kmakm (and others). The anguish for your son but so brave of him to face it.  I've had do many thoughts about running away but I don't think I can escape me.  

  • JanineG
    JanineG Member Posts: 148
    wow! @kmakm I hope you have told yourself what an amazing woman you are to have got through this week!! Huge love admiration and strength sent your way xoxo 
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    Hi @kmakm

    HECK. That sounds EXHAUSTING you poor love.   :(  
    It’s such a shitty in time in Melbourne at the moment which doesn’t help. Hard to keep your head up even without all that’s happening.
    My kids are super sensitive too, and  my daughter is so scared of covid she doesn’t come out of her room much ( she has type 1 diabetes too )
    Good on your son for not ignoring his lumps. He’s learnt some good life skills already.

    And on the bright side, at least your surgeon is being proactive. My remaining boob is a bit lumpy too but I’m still having 6 monthly checks.

    I was thinking to myself today that a bright side of BC at the moment is that I have an excuse to leave my house to go to my various appointments. I drive slowly so I can look out window at the big wide world out there! What have I become?  :s

    Take care of yourself and I hope you can find a corner of the house to recharge in this weekend.
    (Maybe the bath)
    big love
    Caz xxxxxx

  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    @kmakm Yikes is that stuff ever going to fit back in!?LOL
    Mind you I tidied my jumper drawer yesterday whilst procrastinating doing something else which I have now forgotten what it was...  :D  #PROUD # FORGETFUL # IDIOT

    I was on letrozole for 6 months but have now stopped cos am on oral chemo.  It really messed with my joints especially my dodgy knees. I’m feeling gloomy about them as I hobble around. My son was asking me if I’m ever getting better.  Must be hard to watch your mum fall to bits  :'(

    YES we will meet irl! Something to look forward to  after all of this virus craziness...... 

    A million hugs
    Caz xx 

  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Bloody hell @kmakm.  I just caught up with your posts.  You guys don't do anything by halves do you????  Thankfully all is well in the end.  Isn't it awful that the more you know the more you wish you didn't. I think you are doing the right thing not telling them about the genes at this point.  Why let them spend any more of their young lives worrying about something that may never happen.  There vigiliant enough to pick up on any changes as they've already proven. 

    The wonder woman title really must go to you lovely.  You must just feel like magically disappearing for a while to fairy land with a huge bottle of wine. 

    I have a wand.....oh and wine. 
