Chemo or no chemo
Hello all, I went to see oncologist the very first time on Tues and after his 'calculation' the 10 years overall survival rate is: * surgery + hormone therapy = 90% * surgery + hormone therapy + chemo = 91% I had mastectomy done 3 weeks ago. Just want to see what you lovely people think? Do or not do? Me and my husband…
To shave for wedding or wait?
Hi all, I was diagnosed with her2+ breast cancer in my right breast and 2 lymph nodes a few weeks back and started AC chemo last thursday (14/11/19) and my next round is on the 2/12/19. My wedding is on the 30/11 and I'm having a quandary about my hair. The cancer care team said my hair would be gone by my wedding day and…
Lymph nodes removed
Hi I'm newly diagnosed with breast cancer had surgery on the 22/11/19 after the surgery got very unwell and now I'm all swollen on my left side and my body feels full with fluid on the same side. Has any if you had simmilar experience. Thank you
1st Hospital Clinic Visit & Planning
Hi lovely ladies Short story so far. Found a lump, got it checked & biopsied. Positive. My hospital referral has gone through & 1st clinic appointment next Tuesday. I'm a "planner" in all things, I've researched my pahtology results, I've considered my work/life plans (I know they might not work out as I wish, but I have…
Is it? Isn’t it? Anxiously waiting...
I don’t usually talk about what’s going on, but it’s gotten too much today. I’m feeling really anxious and hoping someone can give me reassurance or even just witness this period of uncertainty... A bit of back story... I found a lump a few months ago in my left breast. It was only small and I thought it was just a minor…
Struggling to cope
Hi everyone, im one week diagnosed with 5cm triple negative stage 2 grade 3 breast cancer. I’m completely freaking out but I’m really struggling to see past anything but dark thoughts.CT scan showed up clear and having bone scan and genetics test this week. I recently had a baby and have a six year old and all I can think…
Hi There, I'm posting my story on here as I am feeling lost - my family and friends are really supportive but I just don't feel understood. In 2015 I was diagnosed with low grade DCIS - my treatment was mastectomy, SNB with reconstruction in February 2016, followed by a prophylactic mastectomy of my remaining breast in…
Mastectomy due to DCIS
I was diagnosed with high grade DCIS (3.7 cm) and I had a lumpectomy followed by 5 weeks radiation therapy. I went back for my annual mammogram this October and lo and behold, the cancer ( high grade DCIS) is back, this time 1.4cm. The doctors have recommended a mastectomy of the affected breast as they have said I cannot…
Newly Diagnosed
I am 37 year old diagnosed with Breast Cancer in my right breast .My tumor is 75mm but not spread in Lymph Nodes.Its Invasive Ducted Carcinoma - BRE Grade 2.I am expecting a call from Hospital today.Dont know the stage yet .Any advise for me ?
What a time to find out you're not covered by HBF! And can I save my nipple?
I was diagnosed just over a week ago. Amid all the shock, at least in the back of my mind I thought, at least I'm covered with HBF. It was only when I was sitting in the office at the private hospital that the receptionist told me my HBF card wasn't working and I called them and they told me they cancelled my policy in May…
Waiting for results
Hi all....happy I found this place to share and learn :) Sooo....I had the re-call after mammogram. No lump as such, just little white area on mammogram. Visit to Breast Clinic for more mammograms and ultrasound. Results showed suspicious 7mm papillery lesion so had 7 core needle biopsies taken. No actual cancerous cells…
What a ride!
Good morning everyone, it’s 4.30am and I’m awake again. I was called back after a routine mammogram, biopsy done, initial result, 2cm grade 2, action plan lumpectomy, 6wk radiation. Go in to sort surgery date the next week, more pathology results have come in and show I have triple negative, grade 3 with a Ki67 of 90%.…
Here we go 🌸
I only know my biopsy results, triple negative hormones, metastatic invasive breast cancer. 4cm in my lymph nodes & 3cm 3 o’clock left breast. I’m currently waiting to hear the full diagnosis & discuss treatment options with the specialists. I discovered the lump 2 weeks ago, Had it checked Monday and my doctor knew…
Double Mastectomy & Reconstruction Support
Hi everyone, I saw my breast surgeon today for my post lumpectomy follow up appointment. There was much more DCIS found as suspected including in all 3 margins plus some other suspicious looking bits. I had decided already that after my lumpectomy I would be having a double mastectomy and reconstruction because the thought…
On the roller coaster
Hi, it's been a whirlwind....mammo, ultrasound and biopsy last week. Diagnosed with a malignant phyllodes tumour which is apparently a rare form of breast cancer. The surgeon has ordered CT scan and bone scan this week. I will have a mastectomy next week with or without reconstruction. My question is can I have a double…