Body scan done a shadow found on my lung
Hello to all, I am still remaining positive, have had lumpectomy 1/8/19 and the margins were clear but found cancer in sentional lymph node not sure if I'm having an auxiliary dissection due to finding a 1.5cm shadow on my lung from the body scan and bone scan good. Having a PET scan next week to find out if the cancer has…
Nearly done with chemo but trouble with dry scalp after hair loss
I am almost at the end of my 6 months of chemo. Lost my hair after a month and looking forward to some regrowth soon. However, I have bad dry scalp at the moment and was hoping for some suggestions of natural treatment.
Another new member...
This discussion was created from comments split from: The journey begins....
The journey begins...
So glad I found this network... I was diagnosed on Tuesday and will be meeting with the surgeon next Thursday. The physicians, technicians and staff at the Sydney Breast Clinic have been very supportive, and confident of a good outcome. Seems a bit like it's happening to someone else... blessed by my precious husband. 😍
Hi again, happy weekend to you all. I had my Lumpectomy last Monday and feel I am recovering well. Just a question thou, I have IDC, could that have been causing Fatigue for a while as it has been growing?
Trying to cope alone
Hi I have just been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer and due for a operation on Frid 14th June. Trying to be positive with only good thoughts but it is hard doing this by myself. I am 59 yrs young, my son lives in WA and my mum has dementia. I have not told my mum yet until I get the results back from pathology. I…
Heartbroken, but unbroken
We have just been hit with a TNBC diagnosis. My wife is 44 and we have two young kids. Our world's been turned upside down. There's so much raw emotion and the sense of grief that we all know all too well. Its been 12 days since diagnosis. She had a mastectomy on Wednesday, and a couple of lymph nodes removed. Today we…
Living overseas with BC
HI ALL. I was diagnosed less than 4 weeks ago and to my surprise it has already become my new normal. Secondary BC, in my liver and pelvis. However, I live in Switzerland. All the information is in German, Italian or French. In the process of telling friends and family, a friend’s sister, who is a BC nurse referred me to…
Im a workaholic - if I dont, who will?
Posted for Kezz
I’m back
Hi everyone. Its been 15 months since my last chemo and on Friday afternoon I found out my TNBC has spread to my lymph nodes in my armpit after finding a lump. I see the surgeon on Wednesday and have been ok thinking fingers crossed it has gone no further and we just do it all again and beat it BUT I have since been…
Newbie, just diagnosed
Hi Everyone, Just Dx with grade 3 / stage 2? BC. At this stage it is a faction below 2 cm but unsure if reached the Lymph nodes. I have a lot of confidence in my Surgeon and the team at Royal Perth Hospital. The grade 3 really scares me but I have Hormonal Receptors so I understand that's a good sign.
Hello and a question
Hello everyone. I was recently diagnosed and have been reading this forum regularly and learned a lot. I am having breast conserving surgery on Wednesday. The lump is on the side back of my breast not far from the arm pit and the surgeon said that he may well only require one incision. My question is about bras post…
Newly diagnosed
i am newly diagnosed and so terrified and overwhelmed. I have Grade 2, stage 2b, Hers positive breast cancer. It’s the hers positive that terrifies me as I know it has a higher chance of recurrence. It’s all I can think about. My chemo starts next week.
Feelings of Panic
Well, the next scan, blood test and education program at the Greenslopes hospital done today. I am starting to feel this is real and my heart is pounding. I have been gradually telling those who need to know. A friend rang and told me the story of a young friend with cervical cancer who at 32 lost the battle. She asked why…
I am new...
This discussion was created from comments split from: Preparation.