Newly diagnosed

Heton Member Posts: 8
edited July 2019 in Newly diagnosed
i am newly diagnosed and so terrified and overwhelmed. I have Grade 2, stage 2b, Hers positive breast cancer. It’s the hers positive that terrifies me as I know it has a higher chance of recurrence. It’s all I can think about. My chemo starts next week. 


  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @HelenSusie7 It's all frightening at the beginning. I had surgery first. I hadn't shed a tear for the first three months. Then on the morning of my first chemo I was bawling my eyes out at 5 am, in apprehension. After the first chemo it wasn't scary any more; I just concentrated on dealing with the side effects. Try to not focus on what might or might not have a higher chance of recurrence; just put your energy into dealing with the immediate challenges in front of you. Be gentle with yourself. Accept offers of help when you want to. Ask questions when you need to, and keep doing that until you understand. Rock the turbans or wigs and big earrings.  <3
  • shs14
    shs14 Member Posts: 146
    @HelenSusie7 It is overwhelming, especially at the start. We've all been there. Hang in there it eases.
    There are some great studies coming out recently on the success of new treatments for this type of BC. New therapies have really changed the prognosis.
    I agree with everyone else, once you start it becomes easier, the unknown is always scary! Chemo can be quite doable if you keep up exercise and look after yourself. Good luck x
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    @HelenSusie7 Your friend is wise. Dr Google isn’t very well qualified.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Welcome @HelenSusie7 There are some good sites out there for googling but it can be very hard to work out what is and what isn't.  Always important to check who is publishing the stuff and when the information is from as much has changed in recent years.  Probably best at this time to listen to your friend.
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,094
    Dear @HelenSusie7

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • CRM
    CRM Member Posts: 94
    @HelenSusie7  Stopping googling is easier said than done.  I am newly diagnosed at age 32 and everything I read says people under 35 don't have a great prognosis, which terrifies me.  However, I have connected with a lot of young people and it's alarming how many say things like "I didn't do radiation because radiation is bad for you," or "I didn't take hormone therapy medication because of the side effects."  No wonder the outlook for the under 35 age group isn't looking good! 
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    @CRM I agree that a flat out "Stop Googling" is probably not going to work, and most particularly with the younger members for whom digital information at their fingertips is what they have grown up with. However, googling reputable sites is a better idea. Anything older than a few years in the cancer world, is probably redundant anyway, and needs to be taken into account. I think too that as a general statement, younger people feel they are bullet proof and that if they eat well and exercise +++, this will protect them. These things are good, but cancer is a different ball game. By the time is is detected, there are millions of feral cells, and cherry picking what you will and won't do to combat them, is literally a life defining choice. Find medical experts you trust, and follow their advice. By all means, educate yourself, but to put your life in the hands of some fitness guru who has a blog, trumpeting the virtues of kale and treadmills versus proven treatments is not wise. This is my view, and I understand others may feel differently, but that is our right, each to do what is right for them.
  • CRM
    CRM Member Posts: 94
    @AllyJay I totally agree with you.  Personally I think diet and exercise is important in combating the side effects of treatment but to use it as a replacement is a dangerous gamble.  I spoke to a young woman in South Africa who had 2 tumors removed (7mm and 2mm) and has decided against hormone treatment.  This person is so lucky to have detected her tumors so early and has a genuine chance at making sure it never comes back but has chosen not to follow through with treatment.... go figure.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    It's an interesting part of the human psychology @CRM. I'd love to understand it from a psychological point of view.

    I respect everyone's choices when it comes to their own bodies, the caveat being please do thorough and proper research. I can recall one member of this forum who chose not to have any further treatment whose cancer returned. I respected her honesty when she expressed her regrets.

    It's the latter that's the ultimate for me. If you choose little or no treatment and your cancer returns, possibly fatally, will you have no regrets for your earlier decision? If the answer truly is yes, I respect that. However you're a stronger wo/man than I Gunga Din!