Body scan done a shadow found on my lung

Flindersia Member Posts: 9
edited August 2019 in Newly diagnosed
Hello to all,  I am still remaining positive, have had lumpectomy 1/8/19 and the margins were clear but found cancer in sentional lymph node not sure if I'm having an auxiliary dissection due to finding a 1.5cm shadow on my lung from the body scan and bone scan good.  Having a PET scan next week to find out if the cancer has spread to my lungs.  Fingers and toes crossed its nothing.  I am feeling a little scared.  Has anyone else had a similar situation to mine?  I am also triple positive.  Would love to get your advice.   So still a waiting game before the team of doctors decide on my treatment @Anne65 and  @CRM I hope you are both progressing well. 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    That's a real bugger @Flindersia - but excellent that the bone scan is good.  I can imagine how you are feeling right now, but try not to overthink it.  Hopefully it will just be scar tissue from a previous lung issue. 

    Your team will be working hard on your treatment plan - all the best for your next meeting with them xxx
  • Flindersia
    Flindersia Member Posts: 9
    Thanks @arpie .  I haven't had any previous lung issues that I'm aware of bit I'm hoping it's ok
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Yeah - since my BC diagnosis, I've now been told I have COPD, Emphysema & now diverticulitis & hemorrhoids ..... basically none of which affect me - so I just get on with life, doing what I love doing!!   And that would be my advice to everyone on the blog - just get out there & have fun - it drives all other thoughts out of your mind  xx
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Flindersia What rotten luck. All the best as you wait and then deal with this.
  • Stork
    Stork Member Posts: 121
    I am 2 years post treatment last week I saw my GP I asked him can I have a pet scan problems with my spine I was told Medicare will not pay for the can if a GP orders the scan, but if a specialist orders the scan Medicare will pay 
    I see my specialist in January 2020
    a nother hurdle to jump over
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    all the best, @Stork - gosh that seems an awfully long wait to see your specialist - can you ask them if they do 'telehealth' consults?  I am doing that with my gastro guy in 2 weeks, as he is in Sydney & I am rural & all his 'local' appointments when up here next are booked up already.  
  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    @Stork I had a pet scan earlier this year referred by oncologist, cost us $800, at that stage there was no Medicare rebate there was talk of that changing but not sure if that has happened yet