Expander pain!
Evening lovely people x So Tuesday week ago I had a right mastectomy with auxiliary clearance and expanders put in.... My question is... who else has experienced expanders? And were you in pain? I am struggling to even stand up straight most of the time... wondering if this is relatively normal? Thanks guys xx
Stage 0 (DCIS) with widespread microcalcifications
Hi, am very new and slowly (or quickly?) getting my head around my diagnosis and the terminology. It's like learning a new language which is probably the most pleasant thing I can say about this experience so far. I have widespread clusters of microcalfications across one breast. Three different biopsies have established…
Impact on kids
Hi everyone, I'm currently in week 5 of radiotherapy. My 8 year old daughter is struggling with my diagnosis and is showing signs of anxiety, lashing out a lot. She admitted she is worried about me and I asked her to tell me what she understands about what I'm going through and I think us talking about that helped. Me and…
TNBC & question re chemo
Hi, I was recently diagnosed with tnbc on 7th march. I’ve since had a lumpectomy & a few lymph nodes removed for biopsy. My tnbc was 12 mm, the lymph nodes clear but I think the margin behind the tumour was only .6 of a mm. At my post surgery appointment, it was suggested that I may not need chemo & the doctor thought that…
Feeling very stressed and worried
Hello everyone, I have just been diagnosed with DCIS in three areas of one breast. I feel sick to the stomach and extremely worried. Have an appointment with surgeon on 8/4 to discuss mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Don't really know much at all other than what I have been reading. Trying extremely hard not to think…
I was diagnosed with IDC in March and I am scheduled for a wide excision next week. I’m absolutely terrified about the surgery and anaesthetic. Not sure how to deal with this overwhelming anxiety.
Hi all, just a quick question... I was due to have a bilateral mastectomy with diep recon this Tuesday but cancer was found in nodes so they have decided to just remove right breast and put in expanders until treatment is complete. Was wondering what others peoples experience was with this surgery? Eg recovery time? How…
Young mum going thru treatment
Hi everyone Due to start chemo soon for BC treatment. On AC for 4 rounds and Taxol for 12 rounds. Just wanting advice on how to get by running a house with a toddler, getting thru treatment and symptoms?
New and so confused
I am Grade 2, sentinel lymph node free, deciding if the 4 or 5% difference of having Chemo or going straight into radiation and onto tablets and with the added severe family history of kidney and heart disease. So confused ‘do I do Chemo or not’ I know it’s my decision but would like to know if other women have same or…
Not doing so well tonight
I had my breast reduction local wide excision with 3 nodes removed yesterday. My partner did not offer to come in, so he went to work and I did it on my own. I was a bit disappointed that he did not offer, but as he lost his wife to metastatic melanoma I do understand that this is confronting for him. He came in to visit…
Surgery options & decisions
I have just been recently diagnosed with early breast cancer, stage 1, grade 1. I had my first appointment, the team were great with explaining everything though I must say it’s been very overwhelming. I have been given two options for surgery mastectomy and lumpectomy with radiation. I know I will always worry…
First mamogram ever
After losing my husband 19 months ago to stomach cancer (55) after only a 10 month diagnosis , I was defiantly going to go and have my 50 year old mammogram . Low and behold , I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer , no lump , nothing . Couldn’t believe it . I just couldn’t believe I was going to have to put my kids…
treatment starting
one more day until treatment starts and im not coping very well please help
Oncology in the bush.
so I have completed the axillary clearence and hopefully will get the drain out tomorrow. The oncology dept just rang and I have my first appointment at Orange base with Dr Lauren Bradbury on the 5/03/19. I will be signed off from the surgeon the previous week. The kilometres are bad. The driving stressful. I will be glad…
Quality of life
Hello! I was diagnosed just before Xmas. I am 40. I had a lumpectomy and SLN biopsy on my right side on 18/12. Thankfully my lymph nodes are clear. I previously had breast tissue and lymph nodes removed in 2015 (left side - was clear of cancer cells) but developed the most life changing cording, which still gives me grief…