Thinning of eyebrows after treatment
Hi everyone, I have come across a really good product that I have been using to fill in my eyebrows, which once I start Chemotherapy I will be using this product to put eyebrows on using one of the many stencils that they supply. The product is called fab brows. website is www.fabbrows.com If you’re interested have a look,…
new diagnosis
New to this so not sure if i'm in the right place. Diagnosed in October, have had 2 surgeries. Lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy and 2 weeks ago axiliary dissection. Have seen the medical oncologist and know I will have hormone therapy as oestrogen + also radiation therapy still waiting for appointment. Oncologist says…
I’ve recently been diagnosed with high-grade DCIS. I have previously had 3 vulval cancers and 10 plus vulval surgeries ranging from biopsies, vulvectomies (there’s not much left) and scar revisions. I’m feeling a bit p?&sed off ☹️
Lumpectomy and deodorant
hi ladies. Lumpectomy on Wednesday. What do I do/don’t do about deodorants? Natural, stick, all that. Also there’ll be radiation. Can anyone firstly tell me what to do/not do and then recommend a brand? Thanks.
What did you wish you asked?
Hi there, I'm new to this network so not sure if this is the right way to go about it. I'm 33 and got diagnosed with DCIS in late November, had a mastectomy and reconstruction in December and have started having conversations re: my treatment plan as my results are now that its stage 1. I have met with my radiation…
Newly diagnosed over Christmas..
Hello to everyone going through this frightening journey. I am a 59 yo post menopausal woman who at this moment feels absolute terror. i had a routine mammogram and was recalled due to cancer being detected. Grade 2 established after core biopsies. I’m still coming to grips with the diagnosis, for some odd reason, I felt…
My ‘journey‘ so far has been a bit of a roller coaster. We were going on a long awaited cruise, so trying on bathers I thought my breast just didn’t look right in the mirror. Checking when I got home I found a lump, so saw the GP the next day. She reassured me, but ordered mammogram & ultrasound straight away. I couldn’t…
New members in the 'Lets talk about vaginas' group
@Tidden @Rokusan this is where we would post so others can reply and help you with questions etc.
Advice on making treatment decisions
Hi all. I thought this would all be cut and dry. Im still waiting after x3 appointments with surgeons for a recommended treatment plan. They were waitng to MRI results as iver xmas the radioligist went on holidays so last weeks appointment i was told i coukd probably choose masectomy or lumpectomy but lets see. So i leave…
Diagnosed 21/12
hi everyone. I had my routine 2 yearly mammogram on 10/12. Got a call back to BreastScreen and was diagnosed 21/12. I was just so grateful that it was before Christmas. A tiny 5mm invasive which is quite deep in my breast. I was actually very upbeat after my diagnosis. It’s only now I’m starting to come down a little.…
Active Treatment Over – waiting for 1 year check up
My name is Karyn and was 45 years old at time of diagnosis (now 46) in February 2018. It was a full on, high octane, hurry up and wait time of about 6 months until I was declared in remission in September 2018. I don’t think I’ll quite believe it until March when I have my first mammogram and ultrasound. I’ve read other…
Newly diagnosed - how to cope?
Hi everyone, there are so many inspiring stories on here and lots of support. I know that many on here have it way worse than me but I just wanted to reach out and say hi and get some advice on coping with what’s ahead. This is my story - I was diagnosed with stage 2 at the start of December having found a lump randomly…
reconstruction after mastectomy chemo and HER2 infusion to follow
Hi all, I've recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Results also indicate I have HERS2. I will be undergoing a mastectomy and I have the option of a reconstruction at the same time. Just wondering if anyone out there has had reconstruction and what type? How was it recovering from it? Are you glad you did it? So many…
This Is So Sureal
Hi everyone - this seems a very lovely place to hang out. I had a CT scan to check out my ovaries and it picked up a “thickening” on my left breast. That was 17 Dec. A mammogram and US on 21 Dec, breast surgeon 22 Dec, core biopsy 28 Dec, oncologist 31 Dec. I start chemo next Monday. I can’t get my head around it -…
Recovery blues - looking for a kick up the bum!
I had bilateral racket mamoplasty on the 12th December. I get my results and surgical review on the 7th January and I have my initial appointment with the radiation oncologist on the 22nd January. Is is common for people to feel so low?? Shouldn't I be enjoying the fact that I'm not to vacuum, iron or hang out washing…