the day before a bilateral mastectomy
and nerves are kicking in. I have synchronous breast cancer and my mastectomy(s) are tomorrow. I haven't slept much. So today I will do some house keeping, clean the bathroom, vacuum, pack my bag and charge my toothbrush. I am not ready for this.
Xmas diagnosis delays
After 1st seeing gp xmas eve ("concerning symptoms"), wait for imaging centre to reopen after public holidays. Back to gp today - knowing it was bad news, now have to wait for breast surgeon's room to reopen after new year, to even book an appointment (which apparently should be next week, not to wait any longer). Talk…
Anyone had ovaries removed to lessen BC coming back?
Hi all, Just had second surgery yesterday as did not get clear margins on first surgery due to DCIS surrounding the IDC. My oncologist has suggested ovaries being removed as I had blood clots from all the chemo E/C 5 rounds ( diagnosed Early July’18) and she’s concerned about giving me tamoxifen as it can increase risk of…
Im alone and dont want to burden others
Hi all. I was diagnosed Wednesday. Had to tell kids parents and a few friends. had MRI CT Bone scan waiting a week for results. Now have to go xmas shopping. Its exhausting mentally physically and emotionally. when yiu tell people you have to support and manage their stuff too. I feel alone. Im single and each morning i…
newly diagnosed
New to this so not sure if i'm in the right place. Diagnosed in October, have had 2 surgeries. Lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy and 2 weeks ago axiliary dissection. Have seen the medical oncologist and know I will have hormone therapy as oestrogen + also radiation therapy still waiting for appointment. Oncologist says…
Still in shock
Hi. Yesterday morning I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m 35 yrs old. I found the lump 10 days ago and was told the terrible news yesterday. The fine needle biopsy results came back positive for a malignant mass. I have the core biopsy today or tomorrow. I go into hospital on the 8th Jan - type of surgery will depend…
New to this and it is hitting me that it is a waiting game.
Hi everyone - I' 45 and was diagnosed last Friday with stage 2, IDC, triple positive breast cancer and saw the surgeon yesterday - we are going to go down the chemo/radiation route first over surgery. I'm waiting to hear back from the oncologist (I've rung twice) for an appointment. The last few days while being scared I…
Breast Cancer diagnosed 2 December 2018
I was diagnosed with breast cancer and it has been whirlwind from the day of diagnosis which was the 2nd of December to my Surgery 5 days ago. I think I have been on a high, but looks like I am starting to come down now. There seems to be so many emotions. I guess it's all part of it. Love to All. xx
Terrified of what lies ahead!
Hi, I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Thursday the 8th November. My eldest child finishes school this year and we were meant to be heading off to Europe on the 28th November for the trip of a lifetime which had been in the planning for 2 years and now I face the biggest challenge of my life and I'm absolutely…
Finally taken the positive step of joining a wonderful support group
I have sought out and read lots of info before I had my mastectomy yesterday and begin the chemo journey in January. I have been through a whirlwind of emotions but found great comfort and advice here. So I’ve now joined what I feel is a friendly, open and honest group with a bit of humour too. This is one positive I can…
New and just diagnosed with TNBC
This discussion was created from comments split from: Triple Negative.
New Diagnosis - first oncologist appointment Tuesday.
Hi everyone, I've got through all the scans, biopsys, diagnosis etc without too much trouble ( well I did have a little wobbly during the bone scan ) as I am severely claustrophobic and having my feet tied together and the camera touching my nose didn't help, lol In my brief discussion with the surgeon, he mentioned having…
Another bad start to the year
Hi guys I was diagnosed last week with Breast Cancer after my GP did a boob check at a routine Pap Smear in Nov. She sent me for another mammogram in early Dec (altho the July 2017 one was clear and also didn't pick it up in the 'new one') and ultrasound .... the ultrasound came back as 'inconclusive', suggesting a Biopsy…
How do you tell people and what do you tell ?????
Diagnosed today with Stage 1 Cancer, and already had so much good advice from this forum, my brain hasn’t stopped and now have no idea how to tell family, friends, work - do you do a Facebook status / LinkedIn / twitter post .... do you call? .... should I wait ? Should I give them a link ? Will it upset them ? My poor…
Sucky Day
Well today was a shitter! A week ago I was given my histopathology results - favourable and contained tumour with sentinel nodes negative to cancer. Today I took myself off to meet my oncologist and discuss (I thought) my hormone blocking therapy. Imagine my utter gut dropping surprise to be told that one of the nodes did…