Waiting for results

Gold_ie Member Posts: 5
edited October 2019 in Newly diagnosed
Hi all....happy I found this place to share and learn  :)

Sooo....I had the re-call after mammogram.  No lump as such, just little white area on mammogram.  Visit to Breast Clinic for more mammograms and ultrasound.  Results showed suspicious 7mm papillery lesion so had 7 core needle biopsies taken.  No actual cancerous cells in core biopsies, but as there was also mucin? fluid found with extravasation, which apparently can also be in cancerous lesions, they wanted to take out whole area to be sure.

Had surgical biopsy done last Friday, go back for final results on the 31st October.  Resting up off work this week and although sore as expected, getting easier each day.  Thank goodness I have Netflix!

Finding this the hardest part, waiting....wondering which rabbit hole, if any, I’ll be going down next  :/


  • suburbangirl
    suburbangirl Member Posts: 123
    Hi @Gold_ie,
    Yes! Waiting is just the pits and we all totally understand the thoughts racing through your head. Not to mention the pounding of your heart.
    For me I felt relief in some strange way when I was told my diagnosis (which was breast cancer), as I now had a plan and direction to focus on moving forward. Of course I would have felt more relief if it was clear, but I had (kind of) prepared myself, based on what the staff said (and didn't say) at my biopsy appt.
    You will find everyone on here is so supportive, funny and kind, and of course we are all real people with real life stories, so we 'get it'.
    Feel free to write as often as you like, someone is always here!
    Thinking of you and wishing you the very best, for the best outcome possible xx
  • Gold_ie
    Gold_ie Member Posts: 5
    Hi Suburbangirl, and thank you for your kind wishes.

    I know what you mean about kind of preparing yourself for the worst.  I have been telling myself the same thing, hoping that anything less will be a relief, but now results day is a week away I don’t quite feel as though that’s working! Lol

    I was told there is still around 20% chance they may find something in the surgical biopsy.
  • Net1970
    Net1970 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Gold_ie,
    Your story sounds like mine. I had my first ever mammogram about a month ago and was recalled to have another look. A lump was found and I had ultrasound and biopsy done. Tests have come back as a mixed cystic and solid lesion with clinical concern. It has been decided to have the lump excised and I am about to undergo that process of surgeons etc.
    I hear you on the waiting game. That awful feeling of not knowing.
    Have you had you final results yet? How did it go? Hoping the news was good.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,270
    All the best for your results, @Gold_ie - As @suburbangirl says - the waiting really is the pits!  

    When I was waiting for my initial biopsy results, I just keep myself as busy as I could, being retired, that allowed me to go fishing every day!  ;)     Take care xx
  • Nefertari
    Nefertari Member Posts: 288
    Congratulations on your results, good to hear someone has good news.  The waiting really sucks.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,270
    Awesome ..  You can rest easy now xx
  • Net1970
    Net1970 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Gold_ie,
    That is awesome news, congrats, so happy for you. The lump was found on my first mammogram and the consulting breast surgeon could feel it, I couldn't but I didn't have time to have a feel once he had a feel, they whisked me off for ultrasound and biopsy straight after. That was only 10 days ago and the area is still a touch tender. The Dr I spoke with yesterday mentioned papilloma and because its not either a definite cyst or something obvious that fits in a 100% diagnosis box in the pathology results, she wants it removed so it can be tested. I have been researching breast surgeons today as I have no idea about these things. My GP appointment is tomorrow for the referral, I have a list of surgeons that breast screen gave me but my head is spinning with it all. 

  • Gold_ie
    Gold_ie Member Posts: 5
    Hi Net

    Yep, sounds just like mine...indeterminate after core needle biopsy...so they wanted it out.

    I don’t have Private Health Cover, so basically I was just told who my surgeon would be.  Just so happened she was also the Head of the Breast Surgery Department at Royal Perth.  Because mine couldn’t actually be felt I had the nice other part of having a radioactive chip put in the day prior to biopsy, as it had to be done by guided imagery.  Literally with a Geiger counter thing homing in on the radiation.  Just like another core needle going in again!  Sounds like you at least won’t have to have that bit done again!

    I feel for you....it was such a hard time to get through for me.  The date on my actual Report was a week after the op. and I was a bit miffed they made me wait the two weeks for follow up appointment.  Would have saved me a lot of stressing.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Great result.