To scan or not, that is the question!
Hi lovely ladies. I’m seeing my oncologist tomorrow for chemo and radiation regime. I asked him about getting a PET scan before and he advised it could give false positives and doesn’t recommend. It’s been playing on my mind for weeks. So question...... I’ve had my lumpectomy Triple Negative Invasive ductal carcinoma stage…
Take 1 or Take 2 breasts
Newly diagnosed with DCIS. Surgery scheduled for the right breast. Conflicted over whether to take the left as well. Will the difference in look and feel be a substantial mental health element? Will the risk of getting it in the left be a significant health concern that will dog at me? The ongoing checking for the left…
37 year old - just diagnosed
Hi ladies, I have been diagnosed with early stage, grade 2, DCIS in early January (ER+, PR+ and HER2 negative). Since then I had lumpectomy with clear margins and sentinel node biopsy. Sentinel node biopsy found a tiny speck of cancer cell (less that 0.5 mm) and oncologist is pretty sure it did not spread anywhere else and…
High Grade Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma
Ive just received results of my biopsy today. Of course went direct to Dr Google. Worst thing. I’m now sitting up in bed at 2.30am with no sleep feeling nauseous as the outlook seems very grim. Loads more results to come to have final diagnosis but to start from such a bad place I’m feeling like I’ve already lost the war.…
Diagnosed today fluke pickup
Hi all, Just reaching out to get recommendations on best place to go for treatment. Diagnosed today after getting fine needle biopsy on Monday. Stage 3 5mm. Core biopsy and fine needle lymp nodes today checked. I had a CT scan under contrast which came back clear, pffeeeew. Getting results Monday from core biopsy. Where is…
First post - struggling with the anxiety
Hi. Just diagnosed this week, still waiting for receptor status but I know I’m starting chemo of some sort next week. Too extensive for surgery at this point. 4 young children (teens and pre-teens). I’m really struggling with the anxiety this weekend. Like I can’t breath. I guess I’d love any tips or just support. Thanks.
Worries/Questions regarding Mastectomy
Hello,I wasn't sure which section to place my question in so I went with newly diagnosed (hope that was ok). I am 56 and was diagnosed with Stage 3 HER2+ and ER+ breast cancer in July 2019. I had a 5cm mass in my upper left breast which had spread to my armpit lymph nodes. I have completed chemotherapy(doxorubicin &…
Hi everybody
I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 31 January, and found out I was triple negative on 10 February. I'm scheduled to have my lump and some lymph nodes removed on 24 February, and have been told I'm up for chemo and radiation therapy. I know the radiation will be everyday for 5-6 weeks but do they usually start chemo…
Month of appointments and tomorrow is the day of surgery
First post
Hi everyone. Just a quick note to say hi and introduce myself. I was diagnosed 22 Jan, Triple N inv ducal carcinoma and have only found the courage today to post. i had my surgery last night and am happy to be moving ahead with my therapies. Psychologically feel great that “the thing” is out. Results will be back in 3 days.
27 year old lobular carcinoma
Hi there, I’m 27 and based in Brisbane just now. 12 days ago I was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma. I don’t yet know lymph involvement but am guessing it’s likely (nothing showed on USS or palpable however.) My surgeon has recommended a full lymph clearance. Is there anyone else out there this young with lobular?…
This is my first time posting ...
This discussion was created from comments split from: Choosing your words.
People contact/isolation confusion
Hi Information overload. It's been go go go with all the tests etc since I found lump in right breast on Christmas Day.We were prepared for some sort of operation and was thrown when specialist recommended starting chemo first to reduce the size and then operate. Husband compares it with spraying weeds before then pulling…
Keeping family and friends informed
Hi everyone, Another newbie - routine mammogram in mid Oct, biopsy then diagnosed Nov 21 with invasive ductal carcinoma (13mm). Surgery planned for Jan 2 - lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy then radiotherapy and hormone blockers after. I feel fairly well informed with whats going on and not freaking out too much (today…
I changed my username.
Hello kind friends, As I am not so much bewildered as before, I have changed my username from @BewilderedButHopeful to Dory65. I hope it's temporary but (...after two general anaesthetics, surgery, stress, anxiety, depression and radiotherapy fatigue...) my cognitive faculties now seem to closely resemble the adorable but…