Newly diagnosed - double mastectomy
Hello everyone, I'm new on here and sending hugs as we all need them <3 . Firstly I am not great on computers but have read the helpful notes about posting so here goes. I had a recall from my mammogram and as this had happened before I was not really worried and thought it would be a false alarm. Then when being examined…
It's starting to sink in.
Hi all, I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago officially and had surgery last Thursday. I have been really positive so far but I haven't really been thinking too much about the diagnosis. I have been putting all my energy into going from appointment to appointment and relaying info to my hubby, family and friends. I have been…
Mepitel Film for Radiotherapy
Hello, I will start my radiation treatment within the next week or two. Using Mepitel film to mitigate skin reactions was suggested to me. Has anyone else used this before and how did you go? Cheers,
Treatment options
Hi all, I am 37 and recently diagnosed with multifocal IDC (Grade 1, largest tumour 6.5mm) arising in a field of DCIS (spans 42mm) on one segment of the breast.Absolutely unexpected and shocking as I had no risk factors at all! :( Underwent segmentectomy and SNB. Biopsy revealed margins are adequate ( one margin shows…
Feeling anxious about Letrazole and Radiation
I have been blessed with a very good GP, after a clear mammogram my GP referred me for an ultrasound due to a strong family history of cancer. At that ultrasound I was found to have a small tumour. I have recently had a wide local excision and sentinel node biopsy and yesterday I found out my margins were clear, stage 2…
Upcoming mastectomy - any tips?
hi there so on Wednesday I am undergoing a mastectomy on my right breast as well as auxiliary clearance. Does anyone have any tips or helpful info they can suggest - I’d be really interested in hearing others experiences many thanks and take care lisa xxxx
Surgery choice
I have just been diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. My surgeon's recommendation is a lumpectomy and radiation, but she will support me in whatever surgery choice I make. In my Mum's immediate family, her Mother (my Nana), two brothers and her sister (breast- then bone) have all had cancer. Three of them developed…
to work or not to work
I've recently had a 3cm lump removed. It was all clear around the lump, but there were minute traces in the sentinal node, but nothing in the next two nodes. It is hormone related in the ducts and at some stage I will be having radiation and going on hormone blockers, which I have no problem with. However my oncologist has…
New lump detected whilst on chemo
Hi, I am posting for the first time but have been reading many posts on here for a few months now and have been able to feel more assured during my breast cancer ‘adventure’ from reading all of your insightful comments. I was diagnosed on 6th September 2019 with triple negative breast cancer and 2 of my nodes have also…
Count down to surgery
I’ve always looked forward to new adventures and or changes in my life. How do I prepare for coming home knowing I’ll be missing a part of me? I’m a size 18 mother of a 5 year old son and am loved by my fiancé for who I am. I’m worried how this might change me.
When will my upper arm feel normal after mastectomy with axillary clearance?
My op was 10 weeks ago. Physio tells me my arm is normal. Zozo measurement ok. I'm told nerve damage. My arm feel bigger and like something is tight around it. I have a small amount of cording
Anyone else had a PICC line?
Keep me strong
I was diagnosed 15/4/20. I had a Mastectomy on my right breast 30/4/20. The cancer was 10.4 cm & the 6 node soldiers have returned all cancerous. Tomorrow I go back into hospital to have the rest of the nodes army removed. I’ll get the results next Wednesday. I start Chemo in 4 weeks. The reality of it all is hitting home…
Diagnosed 14 April....
This discussion was created from comments split from: Newly diagnosed.
All Alone
I have just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, my husband has had a stroke, trying to run a farm, family in Melbourne, cannot see anybody, surgery next week, I feel I am falling apart. I feel all alone with nobody to talk too or help me.