Tamoxifen and Anxiety
Hi All, I changed to Tamoxifen two months ago from Zoladex and Latrezole. It has helped with my joints pains a lot however I have started having the "rollercoaster fear" type of feeling in my stomach - and its there constantly - I am anxious for normal things which is so opposite of my nature- I have been always a very…
Unlucky at 33
Hi Everyone, I’m Jane, 33 and was diagnosed with ER/PR +, HER2 - grade 1 breast cancer in September. I’ve since had a lumpectomy / reconstruction / sentinel node biopsy, and a level 2 axilla clearance after finding 1 3mm cancer in the 2 nodes originally removed (which came as a bit of a surprise as the biopsy was clear).…
I have been taking for the past 2 and a half years Tamoxifen I was first prescribed GenRx in a bottle then a year ago I was given Tamoxifen Sandoz in a box went to the Chemist and was told both are out of stock and has been for several months the chemist has prescribed me Nolvadex D and the price has increased by 4.00 the…
DCIS not sure how to feel
Long story so I do apologize. In Nov 2015 I took a massive step of having weight loss surgery. In June I went to see my plastic surgeon in Sydney for my pre op to having loose skin removed due to my severe weight loss. Now just only about 3 weeks prior to this appointment had I had a mammogram as part of the surgeons…
Unsure of test results,,
Hi I have recently been through a ultrasound,mammogram,which had conflicting results then went to have a ultrasound biopsy and MRI and still no clear idea so recently had a TOMOsynthesis mammogram and VABB and got results back today,My local outpatients have said I may have very early stage breast cancer and have booked me…
Found out this week I have DCIS
I’m 60 years old and I noticed a slight indentation under my left nipple and a dull ache in my left breast. I was supposed to have a Mammogram in May, but you know COVID happened. Anyway I finally arranged my Mammogram for early this month, mentioned change did the scan, had an examination, was told the usual call if…
Early Stage Breast Cancer and Scleroderma
Hi, I'm 53 and I have just been diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer. Unfortunately due to having Scleroderma, a connective tissue - autoimmune disease, I cannot have radiotherapy, which would be the usual course after excision of the lesion. It has been recommended that I have a mastectomy and possibly breast…
Was diagnosed 27th November 2019 I'm in some kind of denial
My story actually starts when I had my 2 yearly mammogram which was in October this year. I'm one of those people that when some test needs to be done I do it. This time was no different but deep down I felt odd about it for some strange reason. All the other times I was of a lower weight but this time I was heavier and of…
A new day .. Aug 11 2020
Hi all even my discussion title makes me breath deeply. I’m 42 and was diagnosed on Aug 11th. I’m half way through my radiotherapy and just found out I’ll be undergoing chemo too. I got my head somewhat around my treatment plan but feel like I’ve been smashed again with another sledgehammer and honestly I’m just frightened…
Triple Neg, diagnosed 4 wks ago, have had 2 cycles of AC chemo - I wonder what has happened?
Hello, I am not sure how to introduce myself, as this self, is new to me. I feel I havenʻt had time to prepare or make sense of who I am when I look at self. An experience, I have walked into or more precisely, I am on a treadmill of some sort and someone has yanked it up and I canʻt keep up. Emotions running havoc. I am…
There and Back Again
Hi All. Swings and Roundabouts. The lumpectomy was almost a month ago. Two weeks ago I went back down to Perth for the results. Good news - the 2 lymph nodes removed were clear. So no radiation treatment. Bad news - The wide margin wasn’t wide enough. There is still a couple of mm of cancerous tissue left. I’m small…
Hi, Not really sure what to write but here goes. I have Grade 3 breast cancer and triple neg. I have had the surgery on 10th Sept. Been told i will need AC & T chemo. Having a PET scan and all sorts of other treatments. Still waiting to find out the date for chemo to start. I have started to realize this is not a joke. And…
Oncotype DX
Hi. I was diagnosed with an unusual mucinous BC late October 2019. Two surgeries, the second re-excision and SLNB early November. It's now December. Initially told it's Stage 2A (T2 N0 M0) but now my case will be reviewed because the oncologist thinks the tumour in the axilla might actually be a lymph node and not breast…
diagnosed 05/08
Actually not sure of diagnostic date - that was when I was told after being recalled for a repeat mammogram which showed indications of BC, followed by ultrasound, palpation by a ?surgeon, who told me that it "doesn't look good" then a needle biopsy (on the 29th July) ... the path results say that I have invasive carcinoma…
Hi, Back again after 6 years clear. TNBC 2013/2014 right breast. Surgery, chemo & rads. Rediagnosed early Sept...surgery 11th sept-results say another cancer found. Surgery again 18th -Now TNBC & Invasive Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma & DCIS in the left breast. Have any of you ladies been diagnosed with 2 types of…