Hi guys, Deboralla from Cairns. I have 2 cancers in my right breast, I have had a month of tests ct, nuclear medicine scan and 2 seperate biopsy’s. still they don’t know if one is in my limp mode, surgery is booked for the 27th of May. Next week I see the surgeon with an answer of a mastectomy or to take the both cancers…
Graphic photo - 2nd day after mastectomy - is this normal?
Hi everyone, I was hoping to get some advice. I had a single skin/nipple sparing mastectomy 2 days ago (16th April), with an expander. I’ve just had a look and it looks terrible. I don’t mind the bruising, but I’m concerned about how pink/red & warm the skin is getting. The skin is also becoming more and more numb. & the…
Surgery tomorrow
Hi lovely ladies! I was diagnosed last week with ductal carcinoma of the left breast. What a whirlwind of emotions! Unsure if it has spread beyond the breast. Having lumpectomy surgery tomorrow & sentinel node biopsy. Very nervous & hoping it is contained!
Upcoming surgery
I’m going for a single mastectomy of my right breast, with an over the muscle expander, on Friday and was wondering if anyone has any recovery tips? I’ll be in hospital for 7 days. Also, did anyone else feel completely panicked in the lead up to surgery?? I’ve heard people say they felt calm and comfortable with their…
Decisions on surgery
Hi sadly I have just joined all you wonderful people. I have been diagnosed and given my surgery date. Need some help as I really don’t know what I’m doing and my mind is going around in circles. Breast screen mammogram found a 3cm lump and the ultrasound found another 6mm tumour. Biopsy confirmed cancer. Surgeon is going…
Is this the normal process?
Hey Guys, I posted recently that I was diagnosed last Friday with triple neg breast ca stage three. All this week I’ve had the CT scans, bone scans, tomo the PET scan then Friday I’ll meet up again with the doctor that is looking after me and also meet my oncologist. I received a call today from the genetic councillor and…
Urgent Surgery advice
Hi everyone. I’m in need of some urgent advice about breast surgery options. I have been given two different opinions by two different surgeons and I need to decide ASAP, which to go with (surgery April 16th). I’m 36, with grade 2 & grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma 2-3 lumps in a line at 10 O’clock(in line with underarm),…
Cooling cap
Hello beautifuls, So I’m tossing up between pre shave and trying the cooling cap. Has anyone has success with the cooling cap ?? I’ve had a conversation with my 15 year old son and he wants me to shave as he doesn’t want to watch it fall out. I think he was very brave for telling me this. I’m just wondering if anyone has…
New diagnosis hers2 positive er/pr positve
Hi all, I'm new to ever using group discussion and having new ca diagnosis. Is anyone out there who has same diagnosis what was your treatment option. I'm going through all the emotions of the diagnosis and hoping to find some relief with chatting to ladies who are experiencing the same. Hope to hear your experiences too,…
Triple neg grade 3
Ok. So I've just got my biopsy diagnosis and can't get into the surgeon for an app till Fri (my heads spinning and thinking ridiculous things that it'll grow by then) I'm ok. I've come to terms with it, well so far anyway. I know this is a silly question because work is the last thing I should be worried about. However I…
Metastatic Breast Cancer
I have just been diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer & trying to come to terms with everything. Starting my first round of Chemo this coming Wednesday & feeling overwhelmed. Hopping to hear positive feedback from others who have been or are going through the same experience.
Newly diagnosed at 28 weeks pregnant
Hi, I’ve just been diagnosed with stage 2 tripple negative breast cancer and I’m 29 weeks pregnant. I’m struggling to find much information on stories of women who have been through this and hoping their might be women on here that could share their experience with me if they have been diagnosed whilst pregnant x
Anyone with implants had a mastectomy with expanders
Hi. I’m new to the forum. I wish I’d known if it weeks ago... I was diagnosed October 2020 with Invasive duct all carcinoma in my left breast. I had a lumpectomy and 3 lymph node removed but the margins weren’t fantastic and two nodes had a couple of cells so I’ve opted for a mastectomy with lymph node clearance with…
Diep procedure feedback
Hello to the club I never wanted to join! :) .. Recently diagnosed with DCIS over a large area so a mastectomy is necessary (skin and nipple saving). I am contemplating a DIEP procedure and would love to hear of anyone particularly on the sunshine coast qld who has undergone this surgery in the past few years (as the…
A tiny inflatable boat in a huge storm
Like many others, here I am joining this not-so-sought-after club- and feeling very much like a tiny inflatable boat in a stormy sea. I‘be just been diagnosed this week, although the process has been a bit back to front due to how busy things are during COVID. It feels like everything is happening all at once. Every day…