Triple neg grade 3

Nix Member Posts: 28
edited March 2021 in Newly diagnosed
Ok. So I've just got my biopsy diagnosis and can't get into the surgeon for an app till Fri (my heads spinning and thinking ridiculous things that it'll grow by then)

I'm ok. I've come to terms with it, well so far anyway. I know this is a silly question because work is the last thing I should be worried about. However I really need the cash. I don't have much sick leave. 

I work in a hospital and they will be super supportive and I know that no matter what I won't lose my job. 

Can anyone give me an appropriate amount of time ill need off? I know it varies from person to person. But am I looking at months and months? Or just a few weeks. 

I think this is freaking me out the most. My gut instinct tells me that I'll be ok with the ca, it will be tough but ill get through it.



  • MicheleR
    MicheleR Member Posts: 354
    Oh bugger. So sorry to hear.

    Well chemo was 5.5 months for me. I think triple negative chemo might be longer. Surgery itself youd be in hospital a week but it takes at least 6 weeks to get over depending what you have, some of the reconstructions might take longer.  Radiotherapy 5 weeks. 

    It depends how you cope with all that. Ive only worked through radiotherapy. At first after surgery my head wasnt in the right place. Chemo i found i needed a lot of rest and it was nice not to worry about work. 

    A lady diagnosed around the time i was worked up to final 5 weekly treatments for chemo. Some people dont have that many issues. Very variable. 

    Does your super have income protection?
    What state are you in? Would covid be an issue/risk during chemo working in a hospital? Do you have help at home?


  • Nix
    Nix Member Posts: 28
    Oh shit. Covid. I live alone but do have support. I'll actually call my super company now.  I'm in Victoria. 
  • Nix
    Nix Member Posts: 28
    @iserbrown thank you 🙏
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    It’s all very variable, I went back to work after a week off after surgery (mastectomy, no reconstruction). I do tend to heal quickly and the only complication was a persistent seroma, which was a perfect nuisance but painless and didn’t stop me working. I had six months of chemo (not
    triple negative) and I worked through - I took a full day off for my first four treatments (A/C) but went back to work after morning sessions for Taxol weekly. BUT I didn’t get any nausea or fatigue. Either of those can make a huge difference. I didn’t find I had any increased susceptibility to general workplace germs but hospitals and COVID are a different issue. Plan A and Plan B seem to be the best idea. I worried about chemo brain, fatigue and throwing up. Never happened. Didn’t worry about lymphoedema, an arrhythmia or peripheral
    neuropathy.....which all happened, but by that time I was a bit more practised at dealing with stuff and none of them have had a major impact on my life, working, travelling etc. Didn’t worry about COVID either which has had an impact. If you get my drift, plan as best you can but don’t get ahead of yourself by worrying about things that may never happen. Cancer is never a good thing but it does teach you about dealing with what is rather than what might be. Best wishes. 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    I was on the AC-T. I was not much good the first week, then suitable for work for two weeks until my next infusion. With the taxol I was okay right through. The biggest thing to deal with in my good times was brain fog and stress.
  • MicheleR
    MicheleR Member Posts: 354

    The cancer council may have ideas re financial support. 
  • Fighter73
    Fighter73 Member Posts: 3
    In my experience everyone handles their journeys differently. I was triple neg/ grade 3/ stage 3. Masectomy on left only. No recon. Chemo for me was 6 rounds 3 weeks apart. 3 of red devil and 3 dosetaxel. I have 2 small children so I chose to keep life as normal as I could. Only had 7days off work the Friday after the Monday chemo I went down then back to work Tuesday (I was 4 days). IT WAS HARD....very hard! But it also have me something to focus on plus I worked in an office job no face to face with public. Radiation was ok 5 weeks 5 days a week. Just popped in before work all over in 45min. Sore and tired by the end. As I said... everyone handles this differently and you need to do it your way and what feels right for you and your situation and listen to your body....
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Here's a couple of links to BCNA resources

    It mey also be worth investigating whether you have income protection with your Superannuation,  in case you can't work
  • Nix
    Nix Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2021
    Thanks ladies. That was so helpful. Xxx
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,094
    Dear @Nix,

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • strongtogether
    strongtogether Member Posts: 167
    Really sorry you have had to find this community, but I am glad you did. It seems ever so variable.....but a lot seems to depend on your health profile and your keeping up your exercise insofar as you can.
     I wish you all the best.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,286
    edited March 2021
    Definitely check your super insurance @Nix ... good luck, I hope it cones thru for you.

    If you find yourself stressing over financial matters - make sure you seek professional help before it drags you under.  Make contact with The BCNA Helpline, and The Cancer Council ... the CC sometimes do a one time payment up to $400 re utilities ... rates, power or water bills .... 

    take care xx
  • Nix
    Nix Member Posts: 28
    Thanks @arpie. 🙏
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,443
    hi Nix, 
    here is a facebook group that is great support for TNBC ladies