New lump detected whilst on chemo

LeafBeetle Member Posts: 4
Hi, I am posting for the first time but have been reading many posts on here for a few months now and have been able to feel more assured during my breast cancer ‘adventure’ from reading all of your insightful comments.

I was diagnosed on 6th September 2019 with triple negative breast cancer and 2 of my nodes have also tested positive for cancer with another 2 inflamed (weren’t tested so could also have cancer). I have since also tested positive for the BRCA1 gene. I have completed 4 rounds of EC chemo followed by 9 rounds of Taxol (9 rounds)and Carbo (4 rounds). Chemo finished Tuesday last week which I am very happy about and the original tumour has shrunk to being undetectable to the touch. I am now getting ready for surgery. However, around 4 weeks ago, I detected a new pea sized lump not far from my original tumour. It doesn’t seem to have grown any bigger during this time but it does have me worried. My oncologist couldn’t feel the lump as it is a bit tricky to detect by when I saw my surgeon, she ran the ultrasound over it and saw it as a perfectly round pea. She said that it didn’t jump out to her as being a definite cancer but couldn’t really say. She said that she would get the pathology and look at it when I have my mastectomy.

My question is, has anyone else had a new lump grow whilst on chemo? I am a bit worried about it. Should I ask for a biopsy to take place now rather than waiting until my operation in mid March? I will be seeing my oncologist again next week on Tuesday and the surgeon again next week on Thursday.


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Sorry to see you here, @LeafBeetle - but you are in the right spot for support and advice on all things BC.

    It sounds like the 'new lump' will be removed with the original tested one - and at the time of surgery, they will be taking out more nodes to test as well, so within a week or so of that, you should get your pathology back, with a clearer plan of your future treatment.

    All the best for your surgery - make sure you take a small oblong cushion with you, to support your arm post op as well as in the car on the drive home - any bumpy roads or even your driveway can cause jarring that can hurt.  Clutching the cushion will buffer the bumps . xxx

  • jintie
    jintie Member Posts: 114
    It reads as if the surgeon will take out that pea sized lump during your mastectomy.  Mastectomy is when they take as much breast tissue as possible and this pea size lump is within this area.  So even if you did have the biopsy before surgery and it came back positive, it was still going to come out anyway.  
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    As everyone says, it will come out when you have surgery but I can understand the feeling. I found a lump
    under my arm (non mastectomy side) while on chemo post surgery. It turned out to be a schwannoma, completely benign, possibly been there for ages. Every bump and lump takes on a threatening aspect post diagnosis, but may be harmless! 
  • strongtogether
    strongtogether Member Posts: 167
    Dont assume the worst. It's a nerve-wracking time for sure, but trust the experts and hope for the best all the way through.
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Hi LeafBeetle, awesome pathology news after surgery.

    I was diagnosed with triple negative BC October 2018, surgery for partial mastectomy December 2018, Chemotherapy, Feb 2019 full auxiliary clearance in July 2019, and 30 rounds of radiation, September 2019.
    Had yearly mammogram in December 2019 had the all clear.
    Going for my 6 monthly checkup on Monday.

    Any issues get them checked out , just to put your mind at rest.
    Wishing you the very best, sending hugs xx

  • Nefertari
    Nefertari Member Posts: 288
    Thats great news @LeafBeetle, good luck with the radiation. 

    @Shellshocked2018_ good luck with the 6 monthly check on Monday :)