Hint for surgery
I was diagnosed just before Christmas and just found out the date for lumpectomy surgery. I wondered if anyone has some advice they wish they’d been told before surgery to pass on to help me.
Just saying hi
Hi I'm 54, and was diagnosed with TNBC stage 3 locally advanced . I started my treatment on the 1st Nov 4 fortnightly AC Chem (finished the last one Fri yay ) and will the start 8 weeks of Taxol, surgery and then 4 weeks of daily radiation. It’s seems a long road ahead, I’ve been going ok I have wonderful family and…
Had a mammogram and ultrasound on 30th Dec after noticing increased density in left breast. Got a phone call on the drive home. I live one hour away from larger medical facilities. I’m 47 .Married. 3 boys, youngest just turned 18 and live in a small country town .Had the biopsy later followed by lumpectomy in Sydney ( 4…
First time I have cried
Hi Everyone I was diagnosed with HER2 Positive Breast Cancer a month ago ... some minor tears while having an appointment with my surgeon, but nothing significant in the way of tears until today .. I had my first chemo session Thursday , 09/1/20 , manged to get through the worst 2 days, Saturday and Sunday , no tears ..but…
35 y/o and diagnosed with HER2 positive breast Cancer
Hello, I am new on this online discussion thread but I find it very encouraging. Here it goes.. Is anyone out there who is HER2 positive who is the same age range like me? I just got got diagnosed on the 25th of Nov and I just cried my hearts out because I cant believe that its me. But of course cancer doesnt choose right…
Unsure about surgery choice
Hello, newbie here. Diagnosed 3 days ago with G2 estr+, prog+ Her1+. Right breast, two lumps (around 1,5 cm each, very close togheter ), one nipple adjacent. I am not a small breast one but i wouldn't define it as big. I discussed the procedure with the surgeon who explained that a a lumpectomy nipple/areola sparing can be…
Head Wear After Chemo
Hi Everybody, I have recently been diagnosed with TNBC. Misdiagnosed originally about 18 months ago as JUST A CYST even after having an Ultrasound. Had another Ultrasound end of October as it became painful and now have 2 huge Tumours.!! Anyhow, about to start chemo and was wondering if anyone can suggest where to purchase…
mouth sore
Hi ladies! I hope you have a happy new year. I am just wondering if you can give me some advise how to treat mouth sores during chemo? I am already using baking soda with salt as a mouthwash but still the mouth sore still there for 2 weeks now... please help...
Hiding in plain sight
Hi everyone, just a ‘newbie’ here. My name is Julie & I was diagnosed with ILC on the 11th Dec 2019 & so far it’s been full on, appointments....appointments & one more scan, biopsy after another. Truth was, I was at the end of a very long work year & getting ready for a month long holiday mode & then my world was turned…
AC affecting the heart?
I know long term chemo can affect the heart but has anyone felt it during treatment? I have had one session and my resting heart rate has gone up 20 bpm and hasn’t come down. I was so nauseated and tired for 4 days that I took no notice but now I am better it’s still there beating away so much faster than before. I have…
Hi I was diagnosed onFriday after mammogram, ultrasound and core biopsy. I have been told I have an invasive ductal carcinoma grade 1. It is about 2cms at its largest and is located at 3 o’clock, the report says no lymph invasion. I am 45 years of age and have silicone implants for the last 10 years. I have not yet seen a…
Second round AC and hair is gone
So the evening of 2nd treatment I started finding the hair strands coming out in my hand and I have been dreading this for weeks. So this morning my Hubby and 4 kids took turns hacking it all off, the hubby did a beautiful clipping job and it’s all gone. Such a mental relief to stop worrying about it. And oh, as others…
Rural surgeon vs city surgeon
Hi ,Newly diaganosis Friday the 13th DCIS, very scared and anxious, what’s people’s thoughts on surgeons in rural areas or should I go to Sydney , from western NSW
3rd round of surgery
Hi all I was diagnosed back in October with early stage invasive breast cancer. Had surgery on 28th November. Results showed no clear margins from 2 tumours. 2nd surgery was on 17rh Dec. Results today. Margins clear but there's a pre-cancerous tumour sitting above the area, so surgeon wants that out. 3rd surgery on 10th…
New balancing act
Hello I have two kids girl aged 9 and boy aged 5. I was diagnosed 2nd December and will start Chemo on the 3rd Jan. I’m just trying to work out how to balance family, chemo and work. It is hard because I have no family near by. I’m a very independent person and need space I don’t know how I’m going to cope with relatives…