Just saying hi

TracyB65 Member Posts: 5
edited December 2019 in Newly diagnosed
Hi I'm 54, and was diagnosed with TNBC stage 3 locally advanced . I started my treatment on the 1st Nov 4 fortnightly AC Chem (finished the last one Fri yay ) and will the start 8 weeks of Taxol, surgery and then 4 weeks of daily radiation. It’s seems a long road ahead, I’ve been going ok I have wonderful family and friends supporting me, but was wondering if there was somewhere in Brisbane (Northside) where there is a coffee/tea morning or get together for people on the same BC journey Take care everyone ❤️


  • strongtogether
    strongtogether Member Posts: 167
    Hi TracyB
    Welcome to the club no one wants to join. I hope you get the best support through this journey and kick this disease's ass!
     There are a few of us here on the Northside of Brisbane. I'm not sure about a get together but have you been referred to Pear exercise Physiology? There are a few tnbc survivors who go there.
  • TracyB65
    TracyB65 Member Posts: 5
    Thank you no I haven’t I will make some enquirers thanks
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807

    A link to the BCNA website that might help


    @onemargie is from up that way.  She fund raises for a group there so I have tagged her.

    Best wishes for the ongoing treatment 
    Take care 
  • TracyB65
    TracyB65 Member Posts: 5
    Thank you
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Hi @TracyB65 - SO sorry to see you here - but put up any question you have about any part of your treatment - someone should be able to help out with advice and/or support.  xx

    That is terrific that you have family & friends as such good support. Do you have a breastcare nurse?  They may be able to put you onto specific support groups in your area.

    Do you get a break over Xmas from your treatment?  You sound like you are going ok ..... so all the best for your ongoing treatment  xxxx
  • suburbangirl
    suburbangirl Member Posts: 123
    Hi @TracyB65
    A warm welcome to where no one wants to be. Having said that, the support and advice on here is tremendous. Ask or say anything, you are in a safe place.
    I am from Perth so sorry, I cannot help in your queries, but wanted to say 'hi' back!
    In fact..... a very warm hello as it is 41 degrees here today- we have a run of four days of being 40+.
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there Tracey. I had TNBC May 2016 aged 43 and I live Brisbane Northside. I’ve been affiliated with be uplifted since then. They are a fantastic support group let me know if you ever want to chat or get more info. Big hugs. Margie xx 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    @TracyB65. Sorry didn’t tag you properly 💕
  • TracyB65
    TracyB65 Member Posts: 5
    Hi Margie @onemargie
    Thanks for your post. I would be really interested in more info re. Uplifted and would love to have a chat with you to share your experience and maybe ask you some of my questions. Xx Tracy 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Tag as gremlin above nbsp
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    @TracyB65 here’s the link. I’m away til 3rd jan but happy to chat after that or you can PM and I’ll try and get back to you while I’m away. Big hugs. Margie x

  • shs14
    shs14 Member Posts: 146
    Hi @TracyB65, welcome. its great to hear you have support and you have survived part one of the chemo! Paclitaxel is sort of easier but longer! Can I suggest you might be interested in reading my post in Tests and Treatments about Cold therapy. Many of us have used it during Pac chemo and found it helps stop Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms, numbness and tingling in hands and feet. I wish you very well for the remainder of your treatment. I am recently out the other side and feeling more like myself every day. There is life afterwards!!