Zoladex covered by PBS?
This Wednesday I will be seeing a new oncologist for a second opinion. My initial oncologist recommended Zoladex and Aromasin as part of my hormone treatment. Im researching all I can before my appointment this Wednesday, is there guidelines or restrictions on the PBS cover for these drugs? I have "Googled" as much as I can but Im still a bit confused..obviously I will ask my oncologist when I see him. I may even be recommended a different hormone treatment altogether, but thought I need to do my research prior to my visit and be prepared. I have found a copy of "The Beacon" newsletter dated 2015 which was included in my breast care pack, this outlined PBS restrictions which applied to zoladex, but may be well outdated now. Thanks!622Views0likes9CommentsHow to find a good medical team? (Brisbane / Gold Coast)
hi all - my partner has just been diagnosed with BC, it's very early days and we don't have a lot of information yet, but are wondering what to do about finding a good Dr (and possibly surgeon if it comes to that). We live in regional SE Qld, and my partner will most likely be seeking treatment in Brisbane or the Gold Coast. But we haven't been here long, we aren't really plugged into the local community yet and don't know anything about how to find the "right" help - and by that I guess I mean the best person/people for the job. Google searching seems like a pretty hit & miss option - everyone presents well on their website - but that's pretty much all we have to go on at the moment. Are there forums where people recommend medical practitioners in particular areas? I can't find anything here. [Edit: And I understand that the main forum isn't the place for naming names, so please feel free to DM me]226Views0likes7CommentsMelbourne Surgeon advice please
Hi. I’m newly diagnosed with invasive stage 2 hormone pos. I had an appt today with a great surgeon who i found out when we were there that he is no longer operating so that felt like a waste of time. He referred me to another surgeon and I was able to see him today but I didn't really warm to him. I'm trying to decide if I want to go to someone else or just get on with it as he has a great rep. I’m feeling miserable tonight after a 12 hour day in Melb with lots of waiting around. The surgeon booked me in for sept 1 (I have a long awaited holiday to Thailand booked for Monday 14 Au - 28). Am I being ridiculous? Do I need to like the surgeon? Am I over thinking things because I’m exhausted and not sure what’s ahead? Thanks x191Views0likes6Commentswhat to take to chemo treatments?
Ok so here is my question, I've had my mastectomy (healing well, thankyou), and now I'm about to start Chemo shortly, what do I take with me on the day? I've seen suggestions for 'chemo packs' and some seems practical and some seems over the top. If you've been through chemo, what did you find important to have with you? What could you have done without? What were you given that you were grateful for? I know lots of questions, but you should see the ones still swimming around in my head! Thanks in advance Sue702Views0likes24CommentsHelp on mepitel film
Hello lovely ladies 🙂. I was wondering if someone could give me some info about Mepitel film. My oncologist said she doesn’t usually use it and they didn’t have any, so I ordered it myself. I got 10x7.5cm films. Today was my first session, and when I pulled the films out, the other onco and his helper didn’t have a clue what I was talking about. They thought it was a dressing. He said in 25 yrs experience he’d never heard of it. The nurse put the 4 films on me and I got the radiation, but afterwards they told me to take it off so I could apply the cream. I mentioned that I’d read that it usually stays on throughout treatment, but they thought it was strange as the cream wouldn’t be able to get to the skin. So my question is what do I do now?? Do I keep the film on and apply cream over the top? Do I take it off as they said and reapply it every day? Also are the dimensions correct? I used 4 pieces and it’s very expensive, so not much stock in Aus at the moment. If I leave it on, how do I apply the cream? How much of my chest area is it supposed to cover? I’m having both breasts irradiated. Also someone mentioned needing to readjust the settings on the machine? I’m very confused 😳. Any help would be appreciated. Mon Xx922Views0likes42CommentsTreatment options
Hi all, I am 37 and recently diagnosed with multifocal IDC (Grade 1, largest tumour 6.5mm) arising in a field of DCIS (spans 42mm) on one segment of the breast.Absolutely unexpected and shocking as I had no risk factors at all! :( Underwent segmentectomy and SNB. Biopsy revealed margins are adequate ( one margin shows atypical hyperplasia at 1.7mm though ) and lymph nodes clear as well. So stage 1A. Tumour is ER, PR positive and HER2 negative. It was decided at the multidisciplinary meeting that I will need to undergo radiotherapy with boost (due to 1.7mm margin instead of 2mm,My surgeon assures me that they don't need to excise tissue again as it's only 0.3mm lack and it's just atypical hyperplasia and radio with boost is just as effective) and hormone suppressants following that. He also discussed mastectomy , although he reassured both options are equally effective and excellent prognosis for my cancer status. and he would be guided by my decision. I was wondering if there's anybody who faced a similar situation like me and what they opted for further treatment and why and their experience beyond initial treatment. My research revealed that although both options have similar outcomes there's slightly higher risk of cancer recurrence with segmentectomy+radio option. Although literature states same as above and I know nobody can predict my future, I'm really worried about my chances of recurrence if I go with radio option,as I have a family and and 2 small children to look after.But I also don't want to under go major surgery if that can be avoided :( My oncology appointments are yet to occur and I will discuss the same with the Oncologist. I would really appreciate any advise to help me make a decision.. Thank you so much in advance and take care x BDS201Views0likes6Comments27 recently Diagnosed
Hi Everyone I am Sydney based and i have just found out yesterday that i have stage 3 breast cancer ( its a hormonal one ) not sure the rest of the details yet ( or i cant remember at this point) - very shocked and overwhelmed. At the moment i am waiting to do a genetics test and then further bone scans and CT scans before i go into surgery within the next 3-4 weeks. Then after that Chemo and Radiation starts and i will also be taking a tablet which i cant remember what it was. As you could imagine the first thing i did was google survival rates and almost had a heart attack when i saw its more aggressive in younger woman and the rates are not high for women under 40. I am really looking forward to hearing everyones stories or advice and any words of guidance and wisdom would be highly appreciated Love to you all rella :) xo801Views0likes27CommentsJust saying hi
Hi I'm 54, and was diagnosed with TNBC stage 3 locally advanced . I started my treatment on the 1st Nov 4 fortnightly AC Chem (finished the last one Fri yay ) and will the start 8 weeks of Taxol, surgery and then 4 weeks of daily radiation. It’s seems a long road ahead, I’ve been going ok I have wonderful family and friends supporting me, but was wondering if there was somewhere in Brisbane (Northside) where there is a coffee/tea morning or get together for people on the same BC journey Take care everyone ❤️631Views3likes12Comments