3rd round of surgery

janeys25 Member Posts: 10
edited December 2019 in Newly diagnosed
Hi all
I was diagnosed back in October with early stage invasive breast cancer. Had surgery on 28th November. Results showed no clear margins from 2 tumours. 2nd surgery was on 17rh Dec. Results today. Margins clear but there's a pre-cancerous tumour sitting above the area, so surgeon wants that out. 3rd surgery on 10th January. Wasn't what I wanted to hear today and it left me a little down.
I do however start seeing the Oncology team next week.
My friends have been really wonderful. Hope you all can have a fabulous Christmas. 


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,793
    Sorry you are here however there's a wealth of information and support. 
    Yes it's a so and so the predicament you are in but not totally unusal. Pathology as a result of surgery presents a clearer picture.
    This link will take you to the BCNA website. An opportunity to browse the website. 
    Download the pathology sheet and hopefully it will give you a better understanding and or gives you questions to ask.


    Best wishes 
  • Nefertari
    Nefertari Member Posts: 288
    @janeys25, no wonder you ar a little down, that is a lot to handle.  Good luck with your surgery and I hope you are able to have a wonderful Christmas too xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    What a bugger on that. Best to get that 3rd one out though otherwise you would always worry.
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    Sending love and thoughts xx
  • suburbangirl
    suburbangirl Member Posts: 123
    Hi @janeys25
    Wishing you the very best for the 10 January. 
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,091
    Dear @janeys25,

    Best wishes from jennyss in Western NSW
  • janeys25
    janeys25 Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2019
    Thank you all for your kind words and support. Much appreciated. @ddon, thank you too. Sorry you had to have a mastectomy. As the Dr said yesterday, I have large breasts so there is room (the benefits of being a big girl I guess). Yes I wished the surgeon had removed it on the 2nd surgery, but I guess they don't know until pathology. It turns out now 3 of us at work have breast cancer. One had a double mastectomy this time last year, and 2 of us diagnosed Oct/Nov this year. We have the support of each other and can at least talk about our journey together.
    Merry Christmas to you all, janeys25,
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,267
    @janeys25 - what a bugger!  But good that they are on to it and they’ll get that little sucker out!

    I hope you can enjoy Xmas/New Year without too much discomfort from your most recent surgery xx.  I had my surgery in mid Jan 2 years ago, and just kept myself really busy leading up to it, to keep my mind off it.

    it is amazing how many say ‘me too’ once you let people know!  In my uke group alone, we have at least 5 and I have 5 more in my personal group of friends. 

    Take care, and all the best for Jan 10th - big hugs coming your way xx
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @janeys25 Wishing you all the best with the next lot of surgery in early January.  Take care of you

  • strongtogether
    strongtogether Member Posts: 167
    Janey dont you lose heart 
    We are all cheering for you. You will get through this. 

  • janeys25
    janeys25 Member Posts: 10
    Happy New Year everyone.
    Another update. Had meeting with Oncologist yesterday, lovely woman at PA hospital in Brisbane. Now when I first met everyone, there was only ever talk of Surgery and Radiation Therapy and was told no chemo required. I realise after surgery this can change, but after 2 surgeries (3rd to come on 10th Jan) nothing was mentioned about Chemo until I met my Oncologist yesterday. I have Grade 3 Tumour. I had a small group of clusters (largest being 1cm) and a 1mm cell sitting all by itself. I believe this is the cause of them wanting to do Chemo. It came as a shock. Blind-sided you could say. It also came on the anniversary of the passing of a dear friend from cancer 2 years ago (I believe hers was not diagnosed early enough in the UK). So I have some paperwork to read through today about the treatment (12 week course, 4 doses) to happen before the end of January (as it will be 12 weeks from my first surgery).
    I also went to that appointment by myself (which I now realise wasn't a good idea). I didn't think anything of it until then. My friends have now given me a kick up the backside and I'm to tell them when all my appointments are and they will roster themselves around me and come with me from now on. I got the message, don't try and be brave and do this alone, your friends/family are there to be leant on. Use them (nicely).
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,267
    Gosh @janeys25 ... probably not the Xmas present you wanted .. but so often our game plan changes as new challenges are identified.  

    We’ll be thinking of you as you head towards your surgery and chemo and sending you best wishes for both xx

    take care xx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,793
    There's a lot of suggestions early on as to possible treatment.  Once the pathology report is available after surgery that's where the Oncologist comes in. 
    Best wishes as your treatment commences to mop up.
    Take care 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I knew all along I would have chemo but it wasn't until the appointment that it really hit me. I was waiting for my heart scan with tears pouring down my face. The reality of cancer really hits you at that point I think. 
    Yes...just someone for support for all appointment us a good idea.