Chemo first and surgery after
I’m 47, single and no child. Diagnosed on 31 May 2023 with early breast cancer, ER+ PR+ HER2-, Stage3, large tumor 8cm, 1lymph node involvement , referred to Peter Mac Cancer Center, and recommended neoadjuvant treatment (I.e. Chemo prior to surgery ). Im concerned that as a hormone positive type , would chemo first…
Melbourne Surgeon advice please
Hi. I’m newly diagnosed with invasive stage 2 hormone pos. I had an appt today with a great surgeon who i found out when we were there that he is no longer operating so that felt like a waste of time. He referred me to another surgeon and I was able to see him today but I didn't really warm to him. I'm trying to decide if…
Tips and recommendations during Taxol
I am starting my TH regime on the 22nd of August. I am looking for any tips or recommendations to make this part of my journey as less unpleasant as possible. Cancer centre has cold caps and cold gloves… do they actually help or are they worth the discomfort? Please hit me with your top tips. Anything from shampoos,…
2 primary cancers ! Wtfugg
Hello lovlies, im a newbie here,, this is my first post.. and tbh i'm not doing so well with the addition of the 2nd diagnosis.. IDC late June and after pet scans, pelvic US and a slew of other tests it seems one of my ovaries doesn't like me either lol I'm just not sure how I'm going to cope with chemo, the fatigue!! I've…
So its back, breast cancer 2.0 - thanks so much
so after a fabulous dry July Campine raising funds, I got my results from the double biopsy today (this morning) - from an earlier ultra sound after they the new medical team picked up some extra bumps they felt from a physical exam earlier on, post lumpectomy in Jan where I was told all gone, clear margins , nothing in…
Is it just a me thing? I feel since being diagnosed I am 'weary/tired'. At this point I am still working until I find out about treatment/surgery, and then will work out my leave. And I have been getting my ducks in a row. Feels strange from switching from being fine to being diagnosed. Life changes overnight.
Here I go again!
Hi there. Newbie to this online group. I had my first diagnosis in 2006 at 46. A grade 3 ductal cancer for which I had a lumpectomy, radiation and hormone blockers. I had Tamoxifen until developed uterine polyps (3yrs) and then switched to Arimidex (another 5 yrs). My maternal aunt had BC first in her mid 30’s and then…
New Diagnosis
I had my first mammogram a few weeks ago. Got called back for a follow up assessment with Breast Screen Qld (amazing staff at the Toowoomba clinic) After another mammogram, US and two biopsy’s I was diagnosed on 4/7/23 with invasive ductal carcinoma in my left breast. I’m a public patient, booked in to see the specialist…
Biopsies and MG
Hello my friendly support friends, it’s me again! sorry, this maybe a silly question and it’s actually standard procedure I will be having biopsies on 02 Aug. it’s going to be core biopsies (both breasts). My breast care nurse tells me after the core biopsies, they will be doing MG ( same day). I thought the breasts would…
What a Whirlwind!
Out of sheer luck I found a suspicious lump on my right breast in early June 2023. I didn’t think much of it, but thought I should have it looked at (as a friend of mine had breast cancer at 23). All I can say is thank god I did because after a mammogram, ultrasound and a painful biopsy I was diagnosed with breast cancer.…
Breast cancer confirmed, biopsy and PET scheduled for 1st week of Aug.
Hello everyone, so glad to come across an online support group. I have just been diagnosed with BC after I felt a lump on my left breast (US and mamo confirmed the cancer. This was on 14 July ). They don’t know what cancer type I have yet ( I guessed we will know after biopsy and PET scan, right?). According to the US/…
Low volume Oligo-metastatic/progressive Disease.
Hi all, My name is Annie I have just been diagnosed with Low volume Oligo-metastatic/progressive Disease. FEB 2019 Lobular BC. Lumpectomy, Radiation Arimidex.FEB 2023 Solitary met to manubrium sternum. NED anywhere else.Has anyone heard of this?
Anxiety waiting for further tests
Moderator moved @Rewindtake2 post from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed' discussion: 11:27AM Activity Second dose of chemo hair fallen out, shocking nausea, gut pain, anxiety, feeling a little out of my depth not knowing what's next. Have found yet another lump on my left breast and medical oncologist wants a mammogram…
Newly Diagnosed - surgery and treatment pathway
Moderator moved @Kaz64 from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed': After a routine mammogram and 2 follow up needle biopsies, last week I was diagnosed with a high grade DCIS & a grade 3 14mm invasive carcinoma er+/pr+/her- in the same breast. It is the first time I don’t want to be in the highest grades!!! 🙃. My next…
DCIS and mastectomy
Grateful for the site but wish it didn’t have a need to exist❤️ As I sat in my nicely warmed bath robe waiting for my second round of tests at Breastscreen, I was completely unprepared for an actual positive result the following week, and even less prepared for the treatment recommendation. I don’t know what I thought…