Breast Cancer and Psoriatic Arthritis
Hi everyone, I have just been diagnosed IDC. I am ER+, PR- and still waiting on my HER2 result. I have an MRI this coming week. I also have psoriatic arthritis which I am on 3 different drugs for. Does anyone here have PsA? x
New diagnosed, 73, introvert, living alone. Surgery tomorrow (2nd March) for lumpectomy and sentinal lymphnode. My doc has told me I will be having radiontherapy once the biosypy results are in.
First Infusion - what to expect?
Hi all. Happy Friday eve. It's day 3 post infusion of chemo. Had the AC and will be having this every fortnight for 4 total infusions followed by 12 weekly infusions which I believe it will be taxol ? I know everyone is different but regarding AC I wanted to know how you felt, when you felt the side effects, how long it…
time gap from surgery to starting of Radiation therapy
Hello everyone, I have a super quick question, from the time that you had your surgery, how long was it till you started your radiation therapy? and if the dates didn't a line with your life and needs, and how long was it before you could start, like 2 months etc before your treatment started, I'm asking as I'm looking for…
Recommendation for an Oncologist
Hi, there can anyone recommend a private Oncologist in Melbourne please? I have moved from Geelong to the Melbourne area and don't know of anyone.
Just found out I need chemo
Though I'd say hi. I'm a mum of 2 girls 5 and 2 and was diagnosed in January. I have had a lumpectomy a couple of weeks ago and it was much bigger than they thought and it now looks like I'll probably need chemo as well as radiation. I'm so overwhelmed by this. The logistics alone are mind boggling as my littlest isnt in…
Not doing so well
Hi everyone. I thought I'd get on to share that after my MBC diagnosis 2 weeks ago, I am struggling. I'm on Ribo/Fulvestrant combo for treatment and two weeks in am doing okay physically. I wish I could say the same mentally. Having read many of the posts, I'm ashamed to want to post at all, but I wanted to reach out to…
hi there, Thought I'd say hi and introduce myself. I am 30 years old and have a 7 year old daughter. I was diagnosed on 27/11/2015. It all still feels very surreal and overwhelming. Doctors think I have Inflamatory Breast Cancer so are treating me for this diagnosis. My treatment plan is 6 rounds of chemo, surgery and then…
Hello ladies, I’m 32 yo with HER2 positive breast cancer. I’m currently undergoing chemotherapy and i’m 3 weeks away from finishing my Abraxane+herceptin+perjeta treatment. I will be having a mastectomy mid May, followed by radiation, then reconstruction which is scaring me a lot. I’m having all sorts of anxiety. My…
Radiotherapy is pretty painful
Hi everyone I’ve had 6 treatments so far… my breast is quite red and painful (like a sharp pain)… I’ve moved to a burns cream 6 times a day… Today it took 3 takes for them to get it right Just sharing …
Updated/removed post
Hello everyone, I'm new here, very new, I was diagnosed with Brest Cancer on the 14th Dec 2022, one day before I turned 50, great birthday gift huh? Thank you for the ladies who responded to me, I have received a personal message, explaining that possibly the friend (s) I was referring to could see this, possibly a good…
Breaking news to others
I am newly diagnosed, an introvert, but have not told or UNABLE to tell family (siblings) or friends. I find it hard to break the news myself and just cannot quite even talk about it... Any recommendation for strategies and/or people/professionals (who get it) whom I can talk to and rehearse talking if possible. I have…
Stage 2/ grade 2 - is chemo required?
Hi all. I'm new here and just had my lumpectomy on 16/1/23. Reports mentioned 40mm tumour on right breast. Re-excision is required to obtain a clear margin and one lymph node is involved (has cancer) 🙁. Ki67 is 40%-50% and I'm ER+ and PR+. Oncologist mentioned I need chemo as one lymph node is involved however after…
Decisions on surgery
Hello Thank you for accepting me. I've just been diagnosed with ER+, PR+, HER2-. Absolutely devastated and am in shock. No signs, no symptoms, nothing on the breast on the mammogram - only 2 lymphs showed and were biopsied and confirmed, nothing on the breast MRI or PET, and only a slight shadow on the ultrasound. I've…
Recurrence anyone after 3 months of finishing radiation?
I'm repeating myself but worried of return. My results 10.7 er positive 8.8 pr positive 10.5 her 2 negative these are oncoytype results scoring me a low score no need for chemo. Dcis removed and 8mm cancer found 2 lymph nodes removed clear last operation in June followed my 15 rounds of radiation instead of 25 finished…