Genetic testing done through private health system
I have been advised that the genetic test results in the public system in Victoria are only available 4-6 weeks after the blood test. Any with experience on how this can be expedited? Also, any pointers to whether it can be done quicker if done through private system and in that case only references to private hospitals/…
Mastectomy pillows Brisbane
Any ladies who are pre op in Brisbane? I ordered these mastectomy pillows from the lovely Pillow Pals who I found on FB. They are based in UK but post worldwide. All they charge is postage☺️... these handmade pillows you can pop under your arms post op. They just arrived too late for me to use them. So if anyone on here is…
Anyone know of any good online mindfulness sites pls.
Newbie - Intro
Original post by @Haiz moved from Activity section to Newly Diagnosed:
Rare breast cancer - Metaplastic
I just wanted to see if anyone has been diagnosed with a rare breast cancer type called Metaplastic subtype spindle cell (triple negative ) . Diagnosed August 2021 finished treatment in April 2022 , now mestasized to lungs Aug 2022 . Due to how rare this cancer is not sure about what the next treatment will be ,…
Newly diagnosed - Phyllodes Tumour
Original post created by member @Dina, moved by moderator to 'Newly diagnosed' discussion category:
DCIS - Mastectomy or Lumpectomy
Hi everyone, - well here I am.... joining this amazing group of supportive women and wishing I wasn't here!! I have just been diagnosed with DCIS (2) in one breast. My mum and her mum both had BC, so there is a history. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow to get a referral for MRI and to a breast surgeon. At this stage, it…
Radiation therapy
Anything I can be doing before I start radiation therapy which will be in about 2 weeks. Creams I should use one was mentioned but very expensive . I've got my moogoo do I start using that now or during treatment or any other ? And exercise I should start any tips I'd be grateful for x
Peter Mac or Monash
Newly diagnosed with Invasive Carcinoma NST and my GP has sent the referral to both Peter Mac and Monash Health. Can I take advise from specialists from both initially and then decide where I would like to get treated. Also, any views and feedback on which one is better?
I was diagnosed just 16 days ago and the Drs are saying that I need a mastectomy. It just seems so quick. I think I'm cool with it am thinking if they're going to take one they may as well take both so as to reduce the risk of bc showing up in the other. ANy thought would be greatly appreciated thanks
Grade 3
Anyone not had chemotherapy with grade 3 breast cancer clear lymph nodes and stage 1?
Mastectomy with implant Vs a TUG/VUG reconstruction
Hi Everyone, I’d be interested in hearing from anyone that has had an implant (prosthesis) following single or bilateral mastectomy. I am still in the decision-making period but time is quickly running out. I currently have a single mastectomy and immediate (VUG thigh) reconstruction scheduled, but would really like to…
DCIS - just diagnosed
Original post by @RJ_77 moved from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed' discussion:
new dcis
I have just had my first lumpectomy and have to go back for a second .I would love to chat with a cancer nurse but have not been able to find one .
Just wondering who has had DCIS high grade if so what treatment did you have and once removed did it return. Im 58 go in on the 18th May for a hook wire excision to hopefully remove then it’s the waiting game on pathology results.