Genetic testing done through private health system

Member Posts: 12 ✭
I have been advised that the genetic test results in the public system in Victoria are only available 4-6 weeks after the blood test. Any with experience on how this can be expedited? Also, any pointers to whether it can be done quicker if done through private system and in that case only references to private hospitals/ centres for the same?
No way to have genomic testing in the Victorian Public system expedited. This is because it actually takes 4 - 6 weeks for them to analyse data so they can tell you what mutations you have. It is a very labour intensive job and there are not a whole lot of people with expertise to do the analysis. I know this because I used to work in a lab that did molecular testing for blood cancers which was alongside of a laboratory that did molecular testing on solid tumours (at Peter Mac in Melbourne).0
With the private genetic testing, sounds like cost starts around $400, but is there privacy guarantees that it’ll only be used for these markers then destroyed rather than going on a database? I’m not trying to sound paranoid but I’m cautious with biological material. I’m asking as told I’m not eligible for the public testing as in the cases of my mother and her mother the BC is considered ‘age related’, and as my father’s mother died from BC before I was born (in her 50’s) and I haven’t had contact with his sister after the siblings became estranged when I was young I don’t know risk from that side, hence considering private testing if I can save up the funds.0