Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
edited May 2022 in Newly diagnosed
Just wondering who has  had DCIS high grade if so what treatment did you have and once removed did it return.

Im 58 go in on the 18th May for a hook wire excision to hopefully remove then it’s the waiting game on pathology results.


  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    I had high grade extensive DCIS in 2014 and had an immediate mastectomy.  No, it has not returned to the chest or come visiting the breast on the other side.
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 460
    In 2011 I had a single mastectomy..no further treatment ..nodes all clear
    In 2016 diagonised with mets to lungs...had a CT for liver pain no problem with liver but ltumor in lung
    Hormone positive at biopsy so treatment so far has been anti hormone drugs 
    Dcis is never to be underestimated
    Be vigilant with checkups

    All the best 
    Bright in hope

  • lovemoon
    lovemoon Member Posts: 38
    @Pommy8 I have been diagnosed with intermediate to high grade DCIS on 8 April. Due to the size of calcification, I need to have a double mastectomy. My surgery is next week and then, it’s waiting for the results. How’s your results?
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
    Have my procedure on Weds then I get results end of May.
    sorry to hear your outcome how you coping ?
    hope all goes well for you are you have breast reconstruction?
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
    Operation was cancelled due to getting covid day before now having this weds fingers crossed.
    Then it’s the waiting for results by talking to breast care nurse likelihood be radiation treatment I’m just wondering how people got through that did you still go to work?
    Also they say % is same for it returning with radiation or mastectomy  I just wondered why do people pick mastectomy over radiation.
    thanks in advance for any reply’s .

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    @Pommy8, I don't think many of us have chosen mastectomy over radiation, mainly it was necessary due to the size and/or location of the DCIS and the grading.  All have been guided by their medical teams.
    Yes, some ladies are able to time their treatment for the end of the day (radiologists try to accommodate working ladies) so they then have the evening free before returning to work and then treatment the next day.  You will need to be guided by how you feel.
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
    Thank you I hope I didn’t upset you.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,301
    Hi @Pommy8
    There seem to be various protocols about what the medical team recommends.
    My understanding is that radiotherapy us generally recommended after a lumpectomy but not generally recommended after a mastectomy though if there are discuss circumstances it may be.
    In my case I was recommended radiotherapy after my mastectomy died to the size of my tumour (5.5cm).
    If you are being treated in a major hospital your case will generally be discussed by a multi disciplinary team which includes oncologist and radiation oncologist.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hello @Pommy8, you have not upset anyone.  Be positive - work throughout if you can, good for the mind.
  • StrongCoffee
    StrongCoffee Member Posts: 131
    I'm late to the conversation, but I opted for a mastectomy rather than lumpectomy+radiation. I live 35km/work 50km from the nearest place I could get radio and work as a teacher (so no flexibility with start/finish/break times). I would have had to take time off for either option and a mastectomy helped ease my anxiety, even if it makes little statistical difference. I think I'm a rarity though, I got the impression from the surgeon that breast conserving surgery is preferred all round.

    I hope all goes well with your surgery.
  • lovemoon
    lovemoon Member Posts: 38
    @Pommy8 The decision for follow up treatment will mainly depend on your pathology results. I had my double mastectomy and the pathology results were not as expected, they found a tumor on the left and a micromets on the left sentinel lymph node. So, chemotherapy is now recommended. I didn’t have breast reconstruction, too much to deal with. Hope you have had your surgery by now and all is well. Take care!
  • NL88
    NL88 Member Posts: 2
    I have a similar story to @brightspace, hormone positive DCIS & single mastectomy in 2019, now diagnosed with HER2+ stage 4. DCIS not to be underestimated, but it also comes down to luck, and I just had bad luck
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135

    lovemoon said:

    @Pommy8 had my operation on weds went well .
    get results Thursday and dreading them:(

  • lovemoon
    lovemoon Member Posts: 38
    @Pommy8 Glad to know that the operation went well. Just stay positive!!
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
    Went for results today and not the news I was expecting my mind is in a spin.
    They found small 8mm cancer grade 3 which has been removed going in again in 2weeks to see if in lymph nodes. 
    Talk of chemo,radiation and medication for 5 years.

    I will know more after next operation and seen the oncologist, 
    Has anyone refused chemo ?