Newly diagnosed - itchy body sensations
Original post by @Siewli moved from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed' discussion thread:
Edema experience
hello...i had a wide local excision for DCIS and sentinel node biopsy on 4 Feb followed by a re-excision on 25 Feb to excise a positive margin on the DCIS. Surgery was at the 1'oclock position. I understand that tissue was mobilised into the void and internal sutured so the whole breast has probably endured a fair bit of…
HI there, has anyone been diagnosed with Breast Cancer - ER+, PR- and HER2 negative?
HI there, has anyone been diagnosed with Breast Cancer - ER+, PR- and HER2 negative?
Fear.of the unknown
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed yesterday 22-4-2022. Feeling a bit overwhelmed. But trying to be positive and strong for my family
Oncotype Testing
I was diagnosed with Early Cancer - Oestrogen Positive - 3 February 2022. Since then I have had surgery to remove the lump. I saw my oncologist this week for a treatment plan. Due to my history, Hodgkins lymphoma 1998 and non Hodgkins lymphoma 2008 , sister and other family members with Breast Cancer, and the markers found…
Breast Cancer Oncologists Melbourne
Hi there, I am wondering if anyone can share positive experiences or recommendations for an oncologist in Melbourne and any that might work at Cabrini?
Womanhood when you're diagnosed young
Hi everyone, I'm 34 and recently diagnosed. Last Friday I started chemo after a found of egg freezing. So far I've focused on survival and have been taking things one step at a time but now that treatment has started, I'm thinking about how life will change. Will I still be able to have biological children? And if not, how…
triple negative
Hello to all you lovely ladies who have also been affected by a diagnosis of breast cancer. I am 57yo and had a routine mammogram recently which showed an area in one breast that looked abnormal. I cant feel a lump and neither can the Drs so its early stages. Biopsies done and a triple negative diagnosis confirmed last…
Surgery decisions
@Sheeba original post copied from the activity section. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast hormone positive breast cancer in august 2021. The surgeon said because of the size of my breasts in relation to the tumour, 4cm, I would need a mastectomy followed by chemotherapy and radiation or I could have chemotherapy first in…
Should a 2 month wait in the public system from diagnosis to treatment be normal?
How can we consider a two month wait in the public system from diagnosis to treatment be considered normal. This is not what the BCNA are telling us is a normal wait! Even before COVID a two month wait was also taking place in many public hospitals. Why are we are we still putting up with this? We still have members…
Newly diagnosed
@Vix1963 message moved from the activity section by BCNA moderator. Hi peeps Last 7 days been a whirlwind- HISTORY-24 years ago I had two lumpectomies ,one from each breast - both benign. Have had regular mammograms ever since EXCEPT 2020 when Andrews shutdown screening . So it was three years between my last mammogram and…
Flight or fight
A little more about my journey. I was diagnosed with breast cancer prior to Christmas. Decided not to tell my Mum and Sister until after Christmas so Christmas wouldn’t be spoilt, had a great day so the I think although hard was the correct decision for me. Plus when I did tell them over a morning tea I had more…
Newly diagnosed - starting chemo
Original post created by member @Louisehay in activity thread, moved by moderator to 'Newly diagnosed' discussion category:
Cancer fatigue and body aches
Hi all, since I got diagnosed with triple negative bc I feel like I have no energy left in my body. I hope it’s just the shock as a couple of days before reality hit I was fine. No I always want to sit or lay down. On top of this I have lower back pain and my hips feel really odd, they said they came see any Mets in my…
Fairly new diagnosis surgery questions
Hello :) Gosh its taken me a long time to make the decision to get myself here but finally after lurking around here I am!! I was diagnosed in October 2021 out of the blue as I am sure we all were and as we all know life gets turned on its head so fast. I wouldn't look at any of my scans or paperwork and basically didn't…