Newly diagnosed - await treatment plan
Original post created by member @Annette77in 'When is your birthday' thread, moved to own discussion in 'Newly diagnosed' category:
DCIS Diagnosis - surgery considerations
Original post created by member @horselover in activity thread, moved to own discussion in 'Newly diagnosed' category:
Surgery without further Treatment
Good Morning / Afternoon, I received my pathology results just prior to Xmas 2021 after double mascetomy. ITCs found in the Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy on the left side ~ considered a negative result. Plan is for no further treatment, though I will speak to an Oncologist for further information. Has anyone here just had…
Lymph node clearance
Hi, I was diagnosed in December and had lumpectomy and 2 lymph nodes removed just before Xmas. Results came back that they got all the breast lump out and the sentinel node was clear but the 2nd node was not which was a bit unusual apparently. Initially they said it would be chemo and radiation but after the team meeting…
Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with early breast cancer and scheduled to have a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy Tuesday. Feeling like I am in a bad dream and can't wake up. Anxious about all the unknowns.
Treatment decisions-Triple negative
Hi everyone I was diagnosed with triple negative, stage 3C breast cancer in October last year. Initially I had a lumpectomy with sentinel node removal. As there were no clear margins and cancer in the nodes I then had a mastectomy and nodal clearance. I had cancer in 14 out of the 31 nodes that were removed and locally…
I’m a new member to the group
Hi there, I’ve just joined the group. I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer at the end of November, I’m 40 years old & in good health & there is no family history. Thankfully I caught it early. As positive as I’ve tried to be about it all, I knew that this lump had felt different to the two previous benign lumps. I’ve…
Newly diagnosed. Am I being mucked around by the hospital?
Hi I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago haven't had my biopsy yet...that's next Thursday 16/12. Listening to the Podcast is stressing me out because Charlotte was diagnosed and had surgery within 2 weeks whereas I haven't even had my cancer categorised in 4 weeks. Is this normal? Should I stick with the Alfred Hospital or go to…
46 / Hi / Comfort of knowing you guys are here /(IVF link?)
Hi all I know this is a weird first post for “Newly Diagnosed”! but Im alone today, the day I got the call, and I literally just wanted to reach out to my sisters who know how I feel. It’s comforting to know you’re out there. Right now I can just say hi. I’m still numb and I can’t bring myself to write the details just…
current breast implants
I have been diagnosed with stage 1 IDC. I had a lumpectomy right breast on the 11th Nov. Then they told me it was a grade 3 tumor and a mastectomy was their recommended choice or plan b was to have 2d surgery to remove more tissue. I refused mastectomy and are now considering 2d option with radiation in 6/8 weeks time but…
Results tomorrow
Hi all Getting my ct and bone scan results tomorrow. I have been super stressed today. Been keeping busy getting stuff sorted before surgery. Wish me luck and say a prayer.
Very tired & constantly fatigued
Original post created by member @Ange6741 moved to own thread in 'Newly diagnosed' category:
Mirena removal
Hi Everyone, Im newly diagnosed and I have had my tests and scans this week and tomorrow I receive my results and staging. I’ve been asked by my oncologist to have my mirena removed before I start chemotherapy which is next Friday. I just want to know if anyone else had this done prior to treatment and how did you feel?…
Radiation decision
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed 5 months ago with stage 3 triple positive (er+, pr+, and Her2+). I was told I needed the full package deal - surgery, 6 months chemo, radiation, Herceptin for 1 year, then hormone therapy for 5 years. Two weeks after diagnosis I had a bilateral mastectomy and lymph node clearance. Both…
Setting In
The reality is hitting tonight. I was diagnosed with ILC on 23 November and it's just been surreal. I've been going through the motions. Hasn't felt real until now. Had an appointment with surgeon last Wednesday and booked for Lumpectomy and node biopsy on 8th December. Having a bone scan and CT next Thursday and trying to…