Lymph node clearance

Mandyjo Member Posts: 1
Hi, I was diagnosed in December and had lumpectomy and 2 lymph nodes removed just before Xmas. Results came back that they got all the breast lump out and the sentinel node was clear but the 2nd node was not which was a bit unusual apparently. Initially they said it would be chemo and radiation but after the team meeting thismorning the decision is to remove the rest of the nodes. I am keeping really positive and hopeful that they will be ok and I’ll only need radiation. Also having genomic testing to see how chemo would work. Not sure what’s involved with this…seeing surgeon again tomorrow to get this sorted and get an op date. Trying to keep healthy and positive. 


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Hi @Mandyjo

    Sorry you are here but glad your surgery went well. It's all step by step with bc. It would be great if we could have the whole picture for treatment when diagnosed but as you know breast cancer is complex and with new information comes a review of treatment. 

    It does seem a bit unusual to have a sentinel node clear but another not but the team you have are on to it which is good.

    I had a lumpectomy and 2 nodes out which were clear but I had chemo to mop up any runaway cells and radium. Hearing your story i am glad I had the chemo now ad my breast cancer although early bc was very aggressive. 

    Good luck on the next steps. Chemo sounds scary but we seem to get through it. If you do have it there are plenty of posts on here for tips to get through 

    Best wishes 💐
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806