
SuzyS Member Posts: 40
New diagnosed, 73, introvert, living alone. Surgery tomorrow (2nd March) for lumpectomy and sentinal lymphnode. My doc has told me I will be having radiontherapy once the biosypy results are in.


  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Welcome @SuzyS to this club none of us ever wanted or thought we would join.
    Do you have any particular questions or requests anyone can help you with today ?
    If you add your location to your profile members in your area would be able to give you more specific information. 💖
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    All the best for your surgery tomorrow @SuzyS ..... sorry to see you here, but as June1952 says - ask ANY question & we'll do our best to answer them honestly, as we've 'been there' .... 

    I hope you have a Breast Care nurse assigned to you for when you leave the hospital as it may take a few days to be able to do 'your normal household stuff' when you get home ......  you may even need someone to drive you home from the hospital initially ..... Are 'covered' by MyAgedCare at all?  Some community groups can provide low cost transport for you, if needed xx

     We have some posts here on what you may like to take with you to hospital, to make it 'easier' on you - I hope this helps.  Eye Mask & ear plugs were top of my list - as hospitals are very bright & noisy places!! xx   And FRONT opening PJs xx

    Take care & all the best xx
  • SuzyS
    SuzyS Member Posts: 40
    Thanks. I've been assigned a Breast Care nurse and spoke with her last  week. I was diagnosed on 15th Feb so this has been a big rush.
    My hospital insists someone stays with me overnight initially.
    I did put my location on my profile when I joined so hopefully it shows up.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Great that you have a BC Nurse to chat to - she will become your first 'port of call' (apart from us!  xx)   Great that they are aware you need someone with you for the first day or two xx. I do hope you have someone who can stay with you.  Some patients are sent home the same day after surgery - being rural, I was kept in overnight & went home to my brother's place the next day - before heading home (Mid north Coast NSW) a few days after that.   They don't like you driving for a few days, normally ..... 

    Unfortunately, there's been a bit of a glitch on editing the 'Profile' page - which I believe @Mez_BCNA (one of our moderators) will be contacting the site Web managers about .... so don't worry too much if you can't add your location again just now (as it is definitely not showing yet.)  Having added it when you joined & it not showing at this point in time - is different again, so they need to know that!!

    When you have a few spare minutes - feel free to read this info on the site ..... and I hope you get a bit of a giggle or can add some pics of your garden, pets or other bits that makes you happy xx

    Take care 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,238
    Hi @SuzyS
    Welcome to the forum!
    There is an overwhelming array of information at first so take your time looking around both the forum and the BCNA website which has a lot of useful stuff in the form of downloadable pamphlets , podcasts etc.
    And you can ask any questions on here - we all “get it”!
    It is good you have a breast care nurse - they can answer those questions you think of after you saw the Doctor.
    All the best for your surgery and once you have your pathology results you can post on here for further advice and support .
    Take care 🌺
  • SuzyS
    SuzyS Member Posts: 40
    Surgery went well. Booked in to get my results on 15th and arrange date for radiotherapy to start.
    Feel pretty good really. Doing the exercises given to me by my Breast nurse. Taking panadol every 4 hrs (was given Panodol Forte but haven't taken any). 
    Managed to update my location and about me info so hopefully it's now on my profile. Will post when I get my results unless I have any questions in the meantime. Thanks again to you all.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Well done, @SuzyS ..... just take it easy for the next few days - no heavy lifting/reaching into cupboards/hanging washing for a little while ...

    The anaesthetic can also make you quite tired too, until you work it out of your system. xx.   Do you have a trusted friend or family member to go to your appts with (for pathology results etc)?  It is good to have that support & also an extra set of ears xx 

    take care