Anxiety waiting for further tests

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,168
Moderator moved @Rewindtake2 post from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed' discussion:

11:27AM Activity 
Second dose of chemo hair fallen out, shocking nausea, gut pain, anxiety,  feeling a little out of my depth not knowing what's next. Have found yet another lump on my left breast and medical oncologist wants a mammogram and ultrasound done before next appointment in a fortnight.  Earliest isn't until 3 weeks....hence anxiety....


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,516
    Hi @Rewindtake2, how scary for you. Scan anxiety is definitely a thing, especially waiting for results. Deep breaths, keep busy if you are well enough to do so. Gentle walks. The trick with that anxiety is to shut down all that talk that goes on in our heads. It's so unhelpful and usually taps into the negative. Try staying in the present moment. Have you ever done knitting or some other creative thing. It helps the brain focus on other things. Best wishes to you.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,270
    @Rewindtake2 .... Scanxiety is the pits & we sadly, we all go thru it - can you ask to be put onto the cancellation list & hopefully get an earlier appointment?  

    As @Cath62 says - keeping busy (or even trying something totally new) should help keep your mind off the waiting ..... as this damn disease actually mucks with our brains, even more that the body, I reckon :( 

    I hope your Onc or GP can help you manage your nausea, pain and anxiety xx Do you have a Breast Care Nurse who you can talk to. 

    Maybe give the Helpline a buzz here, today or tomorrow? 1800 500 258
    Just talking to someone may help you get thru this speed hump xx.  Take care & all the best

  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,299
    Hi @Rewindtake2 ( love the name !)
    Yes “ scanxiety” is real.
    Keeping busy is easier said than done but I am semi retired and find when I do some work ( it’s quite sporadic) it really helps me not “ dwell” on my situation.
    If you have a breast care nurse give them a call , if not calling the helpline here is good advice.
    I saw a psychologist for a couple of sessions when first diagnosed which was helpful - it was during Covid so there was a bit of a wait not sure what the story is now.
    Feel free to post on here to vent , ask questions etc, we all “ get it” on a way someone who has never faces this diagnosis never really can .
  • Rewindtake2
    Rewindtake2 Member Posts: 1
    Hi Cath62 thanks, yes I actually crochet,  gi for walks, unfortunately I get out of breath easily now since I've started chemo. I've always been fit but it's hit me hard.
  • Fufan
    Fufan Member Posts: 123
    Yes, scanxiety is tough!  To distract the brain, try
    Best wishes