Time to own up to mets
Hi pink sisters I feel like it’s time to own up to my stage 4 liver Mets that I was diagnosed with 12 months ago I can’t say I’ve been paddling in that Egyptian river.... de-Nile.... denial (get it? :smile: ) but I have been avoiding owning up to it. I guess I’ve been wishing it’s all just a bad dream... alas! Here it is:…
the honeymoon is over.
Hi all, well its been a very quiet couple of weeks for me, I started on the navalbine after a washout period on xeloda and as you know I felt fantastic, however the reality is as the navalbine kicked in things changed, as they do!!, so at the time decided I needed a little break to get my head around things, metastatic…
Scared stiff
hi everyone, well reality is hitting, had my stent put in yesterday from kidney to bladder, all went well, yes I have what they called a “mass” in there so that’s my second port of call to find out what that is then we can see what’s in my bones, I’m really starting to get very scared and worried now I have me too deal…
Today’s Mood: cranky with a touch of psycho
I think I understand what little orphan Annie meant when she lamented that tomorrow is always a day away. This journey just never ends and I wonder whether the sun ever does actually come out (figuratively speaking). I keep thinking - if I manage to clean the house, I’ll feel better. If I can get healthy home cooked meals…
Advance notice: Bellarine MBC Support Group
A new support group is being established for women with MBC living on the Bellarine Peninsula. The group will offer support, information and resources, meeting monthly in Drysdale. It will be registered with BCNA and Cancer Council Victoria. If you’d like to be involved in the planning process, please contact me through…
Catching up.
Hi everyone in particular to @Merv, I do hope you have bought that camera and send us some photos, @sister,@afraser, @kmakm,@kitbag,@iserbrown,@arpie,@soldiercrab,@rikibcna so, it has been a few days since I received all of your lovely messages, and I have needed that time to just step back from bcna,and enjoy these…
Perjeta access as second line treatment for HER2+ MBC - suggestions please
I was diagnosed with MBC in Nov 2011 (first diagnosis: mets to liver, bones, lung & brain), and have been feeling very well for years on Herceptin. However, this month, there has been new growth in the breast & supraclavicular lymph nodes - so there is some cancer that has become resistant to Herceptin. I would like to…
Evening beautiful people! After some advice please... I've been on 3 weekly perjeta and herceptin for almost 3 years after diagnosis with mets in 2016, and everything has been going great. Unfortunately, recent scans showed some enlarged lymph nodes, and my onc is keen to attack swiftly. She has recommended that I change…
Still crying
Hi Everyone, After 8 years clear I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer on the 19th December 2018 and I am devastated. You can imagine what Christmas and New Year celebrations have been like.... bloody miserable. I have been on the Ribociclib treatment since Boxing Day, the side effects have come in waves but not…
Can medication be taken in the evening.
Hi Everyone, I have recently commenced my first three week cycle of Anastrozole and Ribociclib. The fatigue and muscle ache was dreadful from about day 8 to day 13. I was wondering if taking the medication in the evening would make it easier for me during the day time. I asked my Oncologist if it mattered when I took the…
Breast reconstruction costs.
Hi, just navigating the wonderful world of breast reconstruction need to have bilateral mastectomy, ( getting done next couple weeks) haven't made up mind about reconstruction due to financial costs. I have private health insurance and currently going privately through treatment, but have hit the reconstruction hurdle. Any…
New to Support Network
Hello I am 36 years old and was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer (right breast and tumours on my left lung) in May 2018. I have been having chemotherapy since then and no end in sight so far. I have two very young children and I guess I was just hoping to connect with other women in a similar position as me or women…
Venetoclax Clinical Trials
Hello everyone, I heard about this research on Friday last week and have posted some information below. It sounds like a very interesting clinical trial, in the very early stages and aimed at assessing safety. We will keep our members updated about any other developments regarding this research. If you would like more…
Toe nail disaster
It was new years day and I became quite concerned about my ( L ) big toenail. It had been damaged from years of chemo and was growing with a crack through the nail. On Christmas day ,I caught it under the fridge door and made it bleed. (NO I hadnt been getting too many beers out of the fridge ) as my neighbor susgested so…
Funny rash and bruising.
My background....TNBC in 2015. Had lumpectomy, sentinel nodes...5 removed all clear. Chemo 6mths and one month rads. Got through that OK. Continued with my walking, yoga and Lots of exercises. 2018 just made the 3 years, found small lump under my arm. Five weeks ago following a biopsy it showed cancer had returned surgeon…