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Annika37 Member Posts: 7
edited January 2019 in Metastatic breast cancer
I am 36 years old and was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer (right breast and tumours on my left lung) in May 2018. I have been having chemotherapy since then and no end in sight so far. I have two very young children and I guess I was just hoping to connect with other women in a similar position as me or women who are living with metastatic BC as I’m determined to beat this and reading others survival stories helps me hold onto a sense of hope x  


  • Annika37
    Annika37 Member Posts: 7
    Hello @wendy55 😊 thank you for replying. I’ve been on Abraxane, FEC and now Carbogem. My oncologist gave me a break from chemo in Oct last year and I thought I would be able to have radiation and then surgery to remove my breast tumour but the tumours began to grow within 3 weeks so back on chemo again. I have wonderful support from family and friends and have been in contact with Mummy’s Wish. I am also seeing a Psych and exercise physiologist through my income protection policy. 

    When I was first diagnosed the breast surgeon told me I couldn’t be cured and that I would die. I understand the not being able to be cured part but I am determined to see my children (Abby 4 and Jack nearly 2) into adulthood so once I got over the shock I got angry with her and determined to prove her wrong. 

    5 1/2 years - that’s a long journey but you must be a fighter too - would you mind if I ask what treatment, if any, you are currently on? How are you going after all this time xx 

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    I am sorry to read of your diagnosis, @Annika37 - where abouts are you (Town and/or state)?  We may have members who have more info on resources available to you in that state.  

    That breast surgeon needs an urgent course in humanity (and a good slap across the face!)   There are ways of delivering news that isn't good - and that wasn't one of them.  

    Also, check out the Otis Foundation - you should be able to book in a family holiday with kind hearted folk who allow their holiday homes to be used by those with Breast Cancer.

    All the best with your ongoing treatment - and wishing you and your family well xx
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Annika37. I’m in a different situation but just wanted to send u a big virtual hug and let u know we r all here for u. 
  • Kattykit
    Kattykit Member Posts: 252
    Hi Annika, I can only echo what everyone else here has said, that doctor really is a piece of work , but it's your oncologist you need to put your faith in and I'm sure he/she will throw everything at this, I for one intend to be here for the long haul, you've got this and all of us here have got your back!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @Annika37 I'm sorry to see you hear but glad that you've found us.  Your doctor sounds like he needs to go back to school for some lessons in how to deal with people.  We're all going to die - we just need to live awhile longer.

    I'm not in the same situation as you but I do understand your worries about your kids.  Mine are a bit older - 2 teens and an almost.

    You may wish to join the Mets group and the Young Women's group.  Click on the links on the side or bottom (depending on whether you're using a phone or PC).  As these are private groups, you have to request to join.

    Take care.