Recurrence in lymph nodes
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with TN Inflammatory BC in late Oct 2017. Treatment was 5 mths of Chemo ( 8wks fortnightly A/C, followed by 12 weeks weekly Taxol) then modified radical mastectomy (rt breast and 3 lymph nodes) which showed only a tiny amount (1.3mm) of residual disease with excellent margins. There had been…
PIKNIC trial at Peter Mac
Hi , just wondering if anyone is on the PIKNIC trial at Peter Mac and how it's going? Thanks
This is scary
I've had such a quick ride from Breastscreen finding a 2cm tumour, with no apparent lymph node activity, through - oh there are 2 sentinel nodes affected, to let's do a CT scan to rule out any spread, to yesterday - I don't like the look of your scan. It's in the chest and lungs.
This is the first time I've posted anything but I don't know who else to turn to. I initially had early breast cancer June 2010, treated with lumpectomy, lymph node clearance left arm,chemo and radiation. Took tamoxifan for 6 years. Got to my 5 years and me and everyone else went "woohoo!!". Planned the rest of my life…
Journey so far
Hi everyone, just thought I would update, been on Kisqali for 2 months now, just had a blood test done and Tumor markers are down from 64 to 55 I’m so so pleased that the meds are doing what they are suppose to. Just had to share my good news with you all 😃
Talc Pleuradesis
Just wondering if anyone has had Talc Pleuradesis ? I have had 2 pleural effusions within a couple of months that required draining.... and have now been advised by my onc and Thoracic guys to have this procedure, which sounds very invasive and painful. would love to have any feedback from anyone who has had this…
Surgery Option or Not?
Hi Everyone, I was diagnosed de novo Stage 4 with breast, lymph node and bone/spine mets in Oct 2018. I've had really good response to treatment with Letrazole/Ribociclib/Denosumab whereby the breast lesion and lymph nodes are barely visible on my last CT/Bones scans in May, they've shrunken significantly. My bone/spine…
Second week of Ribo & feeling very Like I can barely keep it together emotionally. Anyone else have similar issues. Been living with bone Mets diagnosis for 7 years and have not felt like this before. Wondering if this could be a side effect. What else do I have to look forward to?
How long should you keep working.
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with Mets in December 2018 and am having pleasing results to date, however I’ve been told that Ribociclib is only effective for a year, I’m hoping my Oncologist is wrong. I am working full time in a senior management position and feeling the effects of fatigue from the treatment. My work is my…
Want to join the private group
I am having trouble joining this group and have followed the prompts to join as I have recently been diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer to the lung.i go to join add my comments then push ok and nothing happens. Is anyone else having this issue. Thanks Di
A man living with mets.
@Chester80$$ gives an honest rundown about his late stage breast cancer https://www.facebook.com/BreastCancerNetworkAustralia/videos/1047726642083943/
mmh43 I am about to start a series of Faslodex injections for my metastatic breast cancer in the liver, lungs and now bone spots. The liver and lung mets were discovered in 2006 and I have had several hormone treatments - Femara, Aromasin, Afinitor and chemotherapies - Xeloda, Caelyx and Eribulin since then. While I know…
Hi everyone, anyone been able to get this on compassionate grounds. My onc wants me to take it. However, the first injections is free, the next three months you have too pay for and then it is free for life. it is $900 a month. Being on a pension, I dont have that sort of money to throw away. I still have other options. Dx…
Fever with Palbociclib
I am not sure whether I should worry about it but at the moment I have a temperature of 38.1°C. I take Palbociclib. I am very hot but I feel very cold. I am also very sleepy.
Mets in brain & liver after 5 yrs feeling good.
Just before Xmas I was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer. To see my GP & later my oncologist so upset I knew it wasn't good. I have 40 tumours in my brain...after only having very slight headaches & 5 or so tumours in my liver...again only slight pain in my right side. My whole world was turned totally inside out. I…