Pink Pilates in fact. I have just begun my stage of recovery and rehab after 8 months of treatments and really appreciate the help. I found that it was hard to know what to do at home, and I needed the discipline too. I am enjoying it, and appreciating it, however, it is exhausting. I find that I am cactus for about a day…
Has anyone experienced an emotional breakdown half way through treatment? The day I was told I had aggressive breast cancer that was in my lymph nodes was the worst. After the initial shock, I went into survival mode. I felt the uncomfortable awkward silence of those around me and I went into hero mode to make everyone…
Pink Pilates inspiring video
City to Surf 2013
So it's 3 weeks until I run this years City to Surf, which means its 3 weeks until my 2 year anniversary of diagnosis. I'm training as hard as I'm able to. Feeling proud of myself right now as I managed 9kms yesterday without stopping.. I'm also trying to get as fit as possible, without actively losing weight, in…
How did you behave?
I am curious to hear from those ladies out there who have had Cancer return. As I am only having BC for the first time, and live in hope, I was wondering what you all did to prevent Cancers return. Did you find that no matter how much of an angel you were it returned, or did you go crazy and drink alcohol and eat what ever…
AC chemo no 3
Well, just had my third dose of AC. Was really nervous and emotional this time round. I think my brain has just caught up with the reality of what is going on! I have booked myself into a counselling session at the cance council on Monday. I think it's time to talk to talk to someone. I am trying to be strong but lately I…
Roasted Tomato and Capsicum Soup
Yum yum best soup ever! * 8 big ripe tomatoes * 1 big red capsicum * 2 cloves garlic * handful of basil and parsley * good olive oil 1. Segment & deseed capsicum & place on baking tray lined with baking paper. 2. Cut tomatoes into quarters and place on same tray 3. Finely chop garlic, basil and parsley - sprinkle all over…
10 Days In....
Hi Ladies, Well today is 10 days since I had my 1st dose of chemo, this is what I've learnt.... - I'm not going to worry about how much water I am NOT drinking - I'm not going to worry about how much food I'm NOT eating - I'm not going to worry about how much poop I'm NOT doing (gross, I know, but you all know what I mean)…
Great China Wall
On the weekend I went up to my sisters for my brother in laws 60th . What a fantastic weekend we had. While I was there I met a distant relative who also had breast cancer ( unfortunately battling for 7 years). We had so much in common as you would expect and she menntioned going to walk the Great China Wall next year with…
Preventing Lymphaedoema
I was advised to begin with sorbelene cream in your hand and stroke your arm with a pressure no greater than stroking a cat. With gentle strokes, begin at the shoulder and work your way to hand end. The direction is stroking toward armpit. I work in the distance of a hand space and do mid arm to arm pit, elbow to armpit,…
hi my name is paula. just over 12 months ago i had a 4cm lump removed from my left breast. i was lucky and it was contained in the breast and hadnt spread to the nodes. surgery was followed by chemo and then radiation. going through surgery and treatment is difficult but 6 months after finishing my treatment i am now…
Life after treatment
Getting a bit ahead of myself as only halfway through treatment, but wanting ideas on diet after treatment as I'v e been doing a bit of research which suggests a raw food diet, no sugar or alcohol. I eat pretty healthy and am prepared to give up alcohol, with an occasional glass of red wine for special occasions. What are…
womens health & complimentary therapies
Hi everyone, in my public world i work as a womens health nurse providing screening procedures such as breast checks, papsmears, counselling & health referrals to lots of other practitioners & health services. in my private world i facilitate a relaxation class at glenecho neighborhood house 949 burrows rd glenroy, north…
seeking information on safe exercises post treatment
Hi I'm Nina, I was diagnosed with BC in August 2012, (hormone receptive bc, stage two)... I have just completed nine months of BC treatment including 4x surgeries (ie. 1 to have a 2 cm lump removed, 1 to remove extra margin around cancer site, 1 to remove all my lympth nodes and 2 to insert/remove infuser port for chemo).…
Bayside women urged to focus on good health
Read this article on the importance of a regular mammogram and how two women with breast cancer are getting the benefits of regular exercise! http://www.breastscreen.org.au/Media-Events/News/Bayside-Women-Urged-to-Focus-on-Good-Health