seeking information on safe exercises post treatment

ninabelle Member Posts: 2
edited July 2013 in Health and wellbeing

Hi I'm Nina, I was diagnosed with BC in August 2012, (hormone receptive bc, stage two)...

I have just completed nine months of BC treatment including 4x surgeries (ie. 1 to have a 2 cm lump removed, 1 to remove extra margin around cancer site, 1 to remove all my lympth nodes and 2 to insert/remove infuser port for chemo).

I have just started taking tamoxifen.

Throughout my journey (so far) I found i've had to research a lot of information around wellness (ie health;nutrition and exercise) off my own back as there is very little integrative therapy on offer in Adelaide...

The Cancer Council and Cancer Care Centre have been wonderful, however i still feel i am in the dark around issues of what is safe to take with tamoxifen (ie vitamins, supplements, analgesics etc)...and more relevant for me at this stage is information what exercises are safe post treatment to prevent lymphodema.

Prior to my BC diagnosis, I was doing Bikram Yoga (hot yoga) three times a week, i have been told that i can not do this anymore due to increase risk of developing lymphodema, however i have read a lot of articles on women doing bikram and other hot yoga whilst they are undergoing chemo....

I really want to get back into bikram, but of course dont want to risk getting lymphodema. I feel i have a lot of fear around developing lymphodema...and it is impeding my progress.

i have also read that doing some of the poses from traditional hatha yoga (which i have been a student of for over 10 years) can also be a risk to developing lymphodema...

I am still very fatigued from the radiotherapy and hence have not commenced any type of exercise, other than trying to walk 30 mins a day without bone i have a little more time to investigate, but was wondering if anyone out there can shed some light on my dilemma....I am so confused!!







  • NaturalBel
    NaturalBel Member Posts: 542
    edited March 2015

    The Beacon archives are located on this website and there is information also available if you research on here explaining that doing something is better than nothing.  Even if its 10 mins several times each day.  It all depends on how you are feeling.  I aim to do 30 min walks each day, although now the weather is bad I dont, or that on an exercise bike.  I was given the Pilates DVD via the My Journey Kit, and thats great to release stress in muscles.  But it depends on where you are up to with your treatment of course.  I was told the worse thing you can do is just lie on the lounge all day, I was advised to stretch, or walk around, at least.  When I researched the info myself, it just said 30 mins a day, walk, at level where you can still have a conversation.  Thats the usual amount for general health.  I found my info via this website.  Sometimes I couldnt be bothered doing anything !  smiling. Bel

  • NaturalBel
    NaturalBel Member Posts: 542
    edited March 2015

    The Beacon archives are located on this website and there is information also available if you research on here explaining that doing something is better than nothing.  Even if its 10 mins several times each day.  It all depends on how you are feeling.  I aim to do 30 min walks each day, although now the weather is bad I dont, or that on an exercise bike.  I was given the Pilates DVD via the My Journey Kit, and thats great to release stress in muscles.  But it depends on where you are up to with your treatment of course.  I was told the worse thing you can do is just lie on the lounge all day, I was advised to stretch, or walk around, at least.  When I researched the info myself, it just said 30 mins a day, walk, at level where you can still have a conversation.  Thats the usual amount for general health.  I found my info via this website.  Sometimes I couldnt be bothered doing anything !  smiling. Bel

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    BCNA has a great booklet on exercise that you could ring up and ask to have it posted out to you.I had all my lymph nodes removed in 2003 and I don't really get lymphoedema.Sometimes if I overdo it in the garden or sweeping/mopping the floors,my arm might feel alittle heavy or just above my armpit gets abit puffy.I usually do a gentle massage of my arm and underarm. It's trial and error and really you can do what you like,although I wouldn't go lifting heavy furniture(I've done that!).Don't get your arm sunburnt,don't have blood pressure taken  or blood taken on the"bad"arm. I do pilates and have no trouble.I don't know what hot yoga involves but perhaps you could start off slowly, once a week till you see how you manage.Good luck with it.

                                       Tonya xx

  • ninabelle
    ninabelle Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    Thanks Tonya I will ask for booklet..its so reassuring hearing that life can get back to 'normal' cheers xx Nina